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Posted - 08/21/2019 :  09:39:49  

I'm looking at adding dynamic tabs onto our descriptions and have been looking at this page - One of the tabs that I want is Specification with product ID, manufacturer and possibly a few others on there. Is there a way to auto populate these with variables or do I need to type it in by hand?

Secondly - I've probably asked this before - we have a lot of products with pretty much the same description, the only difference is the part number and the vehicle that it fits. Is there a way to use a template for the description so that we can bulk change listings eg, our boot mats no longer smell of vanilla and I will need to change hundreds of products with basically the same description, whereas it would be a lot quicker just to change the template.

Finally, are there any plans to link up with Linnworks as we currently use this to manage our eBay and Amazon stores.




42874 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2019 :  10:22:41  
Hi Debbie
We don't have templates I'm afraid for things like this as it would be very specific to your particular needs. We are always open to suggestions though so if you have a way that this could work generally and be a benefit to other ECT users, please post in our suggestions forum. Similarly with the idea about connecting with Linnworks which isn't something we have considered.


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Posted - 08/21/2019 :  11:17:24  
Thanks Vince

What about para 1? Is there a way to automatically show the info without typing in for all products by using a variable?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2019 :  11:40:03  
Hi Debbie, I was reading through the thread and there is something that may help with common content on your product details page. This was a new feature in a recent update.
While it can't be embedded into the product description itself, you can put it on that detail pages and make a bulk edit.
Content Regions on Product Detail Pages
There are now two ways to add content regions to the product detail pages.

The first is to add a content region specifying the content region id. If you create your content region that you want to display, and that content region has a content region id of 32 then you would add the following to the detailpagelayout parameter...

The second is if you want a different content region based on the category. For that you just add this to the detailpagelayout parameter...
Now, for the content you have to create a new content region for your category and the give it the Region Name of "catcontentregion" plus the category id. So for instance if the category you want to create content for has a category id of 12 then the Region Name you give your content region will be

I have a nifty javascript include (I use it) that will allow you to "include" pages in your product description.
I can post it it you want to give that a try as well.

Edited by - dbdave on 08/21/2019 11:40:49

Advanced Member

145 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 08/21/2019 :  23:04:44  
Thanks DbDave, that'd be great.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/22/2019 :  11:55:47  
Ok, I originally got this from here -

I had posted the tip in this thread -

You do need jquery for it to work.

Then add this (1 single line of code) to the head of your page

<script type="text/javascript">(function(a){,c,d,e){return this.length&&b?this.each(function(){e=a(this);a.ajax({url:b,success:function(f,g,h){e.html(a.isFunction(c)?c(f,b):f);a.isFunction(d)&&d(b,g,h)}})}):this};a(function(){a('[class*="inc:"]').each(function(){var b=/inc:(\S+)/.exec(this.className||"");b&&a(this).inc(unescape(b[1]))})})})(jQuery);</script>

Then in your product description, add your include line like this
<p class="inc:some-page.html"></p>
with some-page.html being the page you want to include.

Edited by - dbdave on 08/22/2019 11:56:29
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