Posted - 08/22/2019 : 11:55:47
Ok, I originally got this from here - I had posted the tip in this thread - You do need jquery for it to work. Then add this (1 single line of code) to the head of your page <script type="text/javascript">(function(a){,c,d,e){return this.length&&b?this.each(function(){e=a(this);a.ajax({url:b,success:function(f,g,h){e.html(a.isFunction(c)?c(f,b):f);a.isFunction(d)&&d(b,g,h)}})}):this};a(function(){a('[class*="inc:"]').each(function(){var b=/inc:(\S+)/.exec(this.className||"");b&&a(this).inc(unescape(b[1]))})})})(jQuery);</script> Then in your product description, add your include line like this <p class="inc:some-page.html"></p> with some-page.html being the page you want to include.
Edited by - dbdave on 08/22/2019 11:56:29