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 home page to be different than site template
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Posted - 08/25/2019 :  01:28:10  
i have a php template on my site that works on responsive but i need to make a index page that is
-white then as the mouse move the image fades in all over like 5 seconds like google search menu used to do
-now just the image is on the page and then they click on the image which then enters the site and my normal template

-do the fade in i dont know code so if someone actually has the lines i need to add to the html page and where that be great
and second
-and i need that page to still be responsive like the rest of the site. how do i do that without messing up the rest of my site

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2019 :  08:36:57  
The easy thing to do is open a working page in your html editor and rename it to the new page you want.
Then just make the changes to the content area of your new page.
Basically, you just clone a page...

As for the mouseover fade, we would probably need a link to the page with an understanding of what you want to fade on mouseover.
This is typically done with css these days.

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Posted - 08/25/2019 :  13:59:06  
sorry im not really a progrnmer so yo say open a html page like make a blank one or copy one of the php (i use ecoms php store) and how do i take that php and make it use the html and be responsive. i dont want to delete the template i need it so how do imake it so the template dont show up on this one page can you give more details of what i need to do

the content area is the ONLY AREA i want on the first page i have side bars and menus and header and footer on my store and the store template i want nonne of that on the page with the lightbulb when you get to my site and like i said i cant delete the things out of my template so taht wont work your answer didnt get me farther than i got mysef

as far as my image on the first page its that its a picture of a lightbulb i want the picture to fade in or "appear" after a few seconds on the page and that is my link into the store

this is all the same page i want to do this more help would be appreciated.

i just dont want a giant lightbulb on a phone that oyu cant see or opposite so i want that to be respnsive like the rest of my site


Edited by - drprez on 08/25/2019 14:00:58

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2019 :  15:35:15  
How do you make changes to your website now? If you wanted to change the content on your contact page, what program are you using?


Starting Member

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Posted - 08/26/2019 :  01:00:32  
i use dream weaver

why cant someone tell me how to not incluede the template and do what im trying to do i get the templae but that dont wrok i dont want it how do i not show all the template stuff

go to my site

i want NOTHING NOTHING on the page but the image that i need help fading in that is it but i need the responsive design part to work on this page liek the others

Edited by - drprez on 08/26/2019 01:02:10


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2019 :  02:01:31  
Hi Drprez
As the design of the home page is so different to the other pages in your site, why not simply detach the home page from the template and then you can do what you want with it, including removing the left and right navigation or whatever. To do this in Dreamweaver, go to...
Modify -> Template -> Detach from Template


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Starting Member

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Posted - 08/26/2019 :  02:03:44  
will it still keep the responsive and scale the image accordingly if i detach the template?
if not how do i get it to scale like responsive?

second how do i do a fade in for just the image

Edited by - drprez on 08/26/2019 02:07:21


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2019 :  02:41:01  
After detaching the file from the template it will be exactly the same as before. The only differences will be that there will be no regions you can't edit because they are part of the template (as there is no template.) And also, if you make any changes to the template they will not be applied to this page as it is now not based on the template.
One thing I should have mentioned, take a backup of the home page before you do this in case you want to go back.
About the fade, I'm not really sure what you mean. Can you find an example of this on the 'net and post a link for us to see?


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