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 Description of Products
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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2019 :  03:04:26  
Hi, I have a small query regarding the description of products,

1) The long description appears below the images - but then the short description has disappeared?

2) The gaps between the line of text are too big for the long description.

I would like the short description to appear - as is. Then the long description to have smaller gaps between the lines of text. Is this possible? Should I put all the description in the description box and then add coding where I want the gaps between the lines of text to be smaller?

Thank you. Claire.

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2019 :  11:05:15  
Hi Claire, can you provide a link on of the product pages to take a closer look.

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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2019 :  02:09:45  
in this link, I have put the physical description size, type of paint etc in "description" and a description of why I painted the picture in "long description" - you will notice that the information in "description" has disappeard…

In this link I have put ALL the information in "description" and nothing in "long description".

The gaps between the line of text is fine for the physical description of the painting, size etc. But the paragraphs that describe why I painted the picture needs to be closer together like normal text in a book.

Thank you.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2019 :  02:42:35  
Hi Claire,
Usually the short description is displayed on the product pages, for example here -
But because you're using a responsive design having short descriptions there would or could cause possible layout issues so the short description will be disabled on your set up.

You can however have the short descriptions display on the product detail pages by adding 'shortdescription' to the list as described here -

To alter the line spacing on the long description text find the following block of code in your ectstyle.css file

font-size: 1.5em;

and change the value to line-height:1.4em;

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Edited by - Phil on 09/04/2019 02:43:34

Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2019 :  03:12:12  
Hi Phil,

Thank you, I have adjusted the text spacing that looks a lot better.

Hmm, I don't think I will activate the short description on the products page, it took me aaaaaages to get all the product images the same size and looking pretty! :)

Thank you for your help. Claire :)
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