I would like to make the following adjustments to the categories page https://www.claire-harrison.co.uk/shop/categories.php
1) The 4 categories left edge and the text and titles above it all need to be justified so that they are all in line. 2) The search and view cart at the top right hand side needs to be indented slightly so that there is a little white border on the right hand side. it is currently right up against the edge of the frame which looks odd. This is happening on every page.
For number 2, in the generic.css file around line 126 there is something like... padding: 30px 0px 18px 24px If you change that to say... padding: 30px 10px 18px 24px ...then that should do what you want there.
it is on the left but the 2 sentences are not quite aligned left in a straight line. And the text isn't in a straight line with the left edge of the categories beneath it. They all appear to 1-2px out of full left alignment.... I could be being really fussy... :)