Posted - 10/08/2019 : 11:40:33
Updating ASP site to Prem Responsive Felicity template.
I have thus far (need to say this before the Qs)
Made copy of access DB with new name, updated the dbconn for felicity ect, updated the version of the DB to current 7.0.6, have all the felicity files in root and is talking to the DB just fine. When updated the new dB copy I had the felicity includes and files loaded in root. I also changed the path in the admin of the new DB to point to root and not to /shop so that is taken care of in the DB admin table unless there is something else needed change in db.
Side note: my existing store is in /shop and still working fine with the old DB which is not updated. No Q here just a comment just in case it matters
Where I need input:
Please look at emsplace dot com / default.asp and you will see the felicity template as expected with my categories on the side from the DB as I would expect (good), BUT
a) When you click on the TEST FELICITY left nav you get a 404 error b) when you click the next one down, MUGS and BOWLS, it come up, BUT it goes to /shop products and doesn't stay in root. I suspect the reason a) throws the 404 is it is looking in /shop and there is no "test felicity" category there?
c) The upper horizontal nav bar was not affected by anything, and still shows the felicity default menu. When you click the home, about, categories and links under services they direct just fine (good) to the root pages. BUT, when you click cart it goes to the /shop directory which I think is /shop/index.asp and the Product links throws a 404.
d) Do I understand correctly that the top nav links are hard coded in the template file?
Which now brings me to the main.dwt file in template directory. I can change things there but the felicity cart files are not reflecting the changes. For example here is the head section of the root felicity default.asp file
<!--#include file="vsadmin/db_conn_open.asp"--> <!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/languagefile.asp"--> <!--#include file="vsadmin/includes.asp"--> <!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incfunctions.asp"--> <!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/metainfo.asp"--><!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <!-- #BeginTemplate "/Templates/main.dwt" --><!-- DW6 --> <head>
BUT I can't figure out why the cart files are not reading or talking to the .dwt file. I made changes in the .dwt, saved and uploaded to the site, but when I go to the default.asp page for example, nothing changes. In the default.asp file the <!-- #BeginTemplate "/Templates/main.dwt" --><!-- DW6 --> is greyed out, and I cannot seem to activate that line the way the ones above it are. ???
I am using DW 6 to as my editor.
Q/conclusion: My root cart files are fresh feliciy install, the db is current version 7.0.6 and check out in the admin dashboard as such, the side nav shows as expected until you start clicking links that then go to /shop instead of staying in root, I looked at the felicity includes and don't see anything there? that would cause this, my db admin links to root as I changed that before the version upgrade to 7.0.6.
~ How do I get the .dwt to talk to the ect files? ~ any ideas why my links are going to /shop and not being dynamic with the root template? The test link of Mugs and Bowl talked about here - I went to its category in admin and blanked out the category url since I did have that going to a static page. That field is now blank, so that didn't help. ~ do I understand correctly the top horizontal nav bar links are set in the template once I figure out how to get the template files to talk to the .dwt?
Side note: my current older cart in /shop files are not based on any template. I have been editing those files individually for many... years and may be why I am have a hard time wrapping my brain around how to link the .dwt file?
Side note 2: my site if very slow lately and I think the DB needs compact and repair - I'll deal with that later:-) Perhaps I will purchase ECT DB upgrade to SQL once I get this new template up and working.
Sorry to be so long winded. Any help or advice is truly appreciate. THANK YOU in advance, Em