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Posted - 10/17/2019 :  06:27:22  
I have multiple items (Grain Mill) with differing sizes. some flours are available in 2lb, 5lb & 25lb; others are 2lb & 50lb etc. There are about 10 different combinations for the differing products.

The company I am building this for will not track inventory through the site. They identify each product by an in house number. ex: 2lb 9-grain flour flour is 136-st, 5lb is 136-s and 25 lb is 136.

Product Title would be Organic 6-Grain Flour with alts of 2lb, 5lb and 25lb.

I am not sure what to enter for options vs alts?

I downloaded the product CSV for the product and this is what I have...

I think I may be misunderstanding the differences and what is needed.

I got the page functioning, but not sure if it will produce the needed outcome.

Thanks for any help

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2019 :  07:59:24  
I sounds like you might want to use product options.
If so, those would not be setup via csv but rather through the admin.

So your product might be Organic 6 grain flower and there would be three options created and linked to the product.
Option 2lb package
Option 5lb package
Option 25lb package

These options could be their own products (using the alt feature for options)or not. It's up to you.


New Member

92 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 10/17/2019 :  08:05:24  
So, would there be an advantage or disadvantage to making each their own product vs just an option? Also, would I then need to have an "alt"?

BTW, Vince said I shouldn't see the presale message now, but it is still there...?

Edited by - rubantin on 10/17/2019 08:07:06

New Member

92 Posts

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Posted - 10/17/2019 :  08:08:58  
Also, looking at the CSV it appears the products are duplicated? Is that because I am doing both the option and alt? I am really concerned as to what the orders will look like for the vendor...

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2019 :  08:19:32  
It's really up to you.
Sometimes I forgo options and make each option an actual product to get more exposure in the search engines.
So a widget that comes in blue, green, and red might get seen better if a customer searched for a green widget.

In your case though, it's just the size of the package and not really a different product.
If it were me, I would probably make one product with the three sizes as options.
If you do not need to track inventory of those three sizes, then I would just set them as options and assign that size option to the product.

Maybe forget the csv for now, setup the product in the admin, setup an option, test it out to see how you like it.
Then if you have lots of products, use the csv to set them up.

New Member

92 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 10/17/2019 :  08:34:09  
Each option has a different shipping weight. I do not see any place I can enter that in alt or options... So it looks like I will have to create a seperate product for each?

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/17/2019 :  10:10:18  
Each option has a different shipping weight. I do not see any place I can enter that in alt or options...

You can set the weight difference in the weight diff field -

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