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 Checkout Questions: New Template Troubleshooting
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Posted - 10/20/2019 :  17:02:54  
Hi, Felicity Premium Responsive Template for ASP

NEW Q's in new Reply Box BELOW - didn't want to start/spam the forum so asking here as part of the checkout testing. Please see my new entry below in new reply box. Thanks!

This part already ANSWERED/solved

PLEASE: emsplace dot com / default.asp and add item to cart. Go to check out and then click "checkout" under the cart contents. NOTHING happens. (tried on two computers with different operating systems)

When I got to the point where I could test the checkout function everything seemed fine until I clicked "checkout" button that should go to the address part of the process.

To troubleshoot:
I uploaded virgin felicity files from my purchase for:

cart.asp (why right now you see a lot of the felicity stuff on the cart page.)
ectstyle1.css (I am using the layout #1 from this template)

Still will not go from the cart contents to the address portion of the process! HELP:-) I don't know what to do and has/have not touched anything in the inc file or cart.asp file (cart.asp only had updates from the main.dwt changes but nothing in any code or such - but why I uploaded the virgin template file just in case.

Thank you in advance, no order can come through while this is the case. Help is much appreciated, Em


Edited by - coastalem on 10/21/2019 05:03:36

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2019 :  17:37:25  
I tried to go to emsplace dot com and I am not sure what version of the cart the site is on, but there is no reference to the ectcart.css, or ectcart.js files in the product detail page.
Items are not being added to cart.
I would suggest running the updater on the website and be sure you are linked to those critical files.


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Posted - 10/20/2019 :  17:53:54  
Thanks David,

Yes I re-uploaded ALL the files and did the update.asp again. All worked fine.

AND, in the process discovered what I had done wrong. I did all that work when the issue was that I was/did go from a store in /shop to the new template in root - and in the admin the store settings still had /shop in the path. JEEZ Em, the simple stuff.

Anyway, when I took that out the /shop from the admin path, it now works. Thank you so much for taking a peek:-) Em

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Posted - 10/21/2019 :  05:03:44  
TROUBLESHOOTING checkout process:

OK, so I can get to the address page and then the payment page. BUT this is happening. Tests:

1) For credit card payment (used real card to test) I see authorize screen showing transaction successful as it makes its way to the thanks.asp page - however when it refreshes to what should normally be the receipt - the receipt does NOT come up. The space that should display it is blank.

2) For paypal it went to paypal and that process worked out fine in paypal. Got paypal success paid notation, but didn't redirect me back to the web site. Is it suppose to take me back to the site for a receipt automatically? or just the manual have to click "return to merchant" button? When I click to return to merchant it goes to thanks.asp but again no receipt shows up, just blank area where the <!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incthanks.asp"--> info should show up. (I did get a payment email receipt as buyer from the PayPal server)

3) For email checkout - when I click checkout it goes to the thanks.asp page, again with no Receipt showing up


~ Yes, the thanks.asp file is on the site and that include <!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incthanks.asp"--> is in the file and all files are from the latest asp 7.0.7 update?

~ No email notification from web site sent for any of the three purchases above - either to me as the merchant or me as the purchaser? Only email that was received was the one generated by paypal letting me, as a buyer, know that I sent a payment to the merchant/my site.

~ Should note that the new felicity template is in root, and the old template is/was in /shop. When using the /shop before this, all functions worked flawlessly and the root felicity site is using the same database (both the old /shop cart and the new root felicity cart have been updated to 7.0.7 and the update.asp successful. I have checked the dashboard/admin entries, ie email setup and nothing seems to have changed or been omitted. Is there something I need to do in the email setting I am unaware of? I did have to take out the /shop from the store admin setup path.

~ I have my email checkout payment email set up to give the purchaser instructions on how to pay. However as mentioned, that email did not send out to purchaser... (and no notification email to me as merchant)

~ All three transactions DO show up in admin and the cc and paypal as paid - so that's good:-) And showed up in my payment processor just to confirm - well of course not the email payment one, but the other two.

Note B: a customer emailed a Q to me from the site contact.asp and I got it, so I know that aspect works. He also started an order and got to the payment screen and backed out because he had a question that he emailed me about. So that shows up in the admin - albeit as awaiting payment.

Conclusion: Any old /shop files that I may be missing in redirects or other crossover issues I may have missed to cause no receipt in thanks.asp or no emails being generated as part of the checkout process to either the buyer or the merchant?

Appreciate the help and thank you in advance, Em
emsplace dot com/default.asp ASP store

PS. as a side note: In order to checkout with paypal I couldn't do it from my admin account. So had to use a different email as a buyer which email was in the system but forgot what the pw was. So, I did request to reset password as part of this process (as a buyer from different browser where not logged into admin) and even that email never arrived. The send password gave the sending verbiage but no email actually arrived to the email address in the system I was requesting reset. I ended up going into admin (as the merchant) and logging in as the customer from client login area in order to pay with paypal since I didn't get the reset pw email as requested.

Edited by - coastalem on 10/21/2019 05:12:35

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2019 :  06:57:36  

For the receipt on the thanks page can you login to your admin and go to store admin > email messages > email headers/footers and make sure %emailmessage% is present in there. If it isn't there just add it and re-test.

It does appear your emails are not functioning, I tried your email a friend and nothing came through so take a look through email troubleshooting section here first -

Got paypal success paid notation, but didn't redirect me back to the web site. Is it suppose to take me back to the site for a receipt automatically?

Take a look at the help page here -
You need to set up the identity token and auto return in your PayPal account and your admin

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Edited by - Phil on 10/21/2019 07:10:21


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2019 :  07:17:47  
Also, it could just be that your thanks page is missing the include file. The way to check that is make a copy of the page...
...and call it...
Then look in the new thanks.asp for incproducts.asp and change that to incthanks.asp and upload to your server.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2019 :  07:26:47  
~ Yes, the thanks.asp file is on the site and that include <!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incthanks.asp"--> is in the file and all files are from the latest asp 7.0.7 update?

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42874 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2019 :  07:59:24  
Another thing to check is if you have parameters for the digitaldownloads in your includes.asp file.


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Posted - 10/21/2019 :  11:09:21  
Hi Phil and Vince, appreciate the reply it helped a lot.

NOT going to worry about the thanks.asp receipt right now. Email is working now and sending receipts to the purchaser. I have added a note in the thank.asp file

Thank you for your order!

A receipt of your order will be sent to your email address.

Your business is appreciated. Em

We'll just leave it there for now.. Hopefully someday it will just start working or I will pick it up in the future.

Thank you for the help and to anyone who took time to read this thread, Em

Edited by - coastalem on 10/21/2019 14:30:12


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/21/2019 :  15:01:56  
If you have the digital download parameters, you have to include the line...
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/digidownload.asp"-->
...after the incthanks.asp include line. If you don't the thanks page is blank.
More details here...


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