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31 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 12/04/2019 :  13:12:49  
Is there a way to display the Ask a Question on the product page for items with a zero price (custom products)? Or alternatively display the detail link button for only items with a zero price/no sell status?

After searching the forum, I found the suggestion for displaying the ask a question and script code example by ITZap and was able to get the ask a question window to open and the product I’d to pass from the products.php page, however, I couldn’t get the form to submit. Any further information to get this working would be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Edited by - stonewx on 12/04/2019 18:52:49


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2019 :  03:29:58  
Hi Lynne
The detail link should only display for items that have a large image or a long description, (as otherwise there are no more details than on the products page.) So would it be possible to just remove the long desc and large images for the items you don't want a details link for?


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31 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 12/05/2019 :  09:12:04  
Hi Vince,
I'm not explaining myself well...we have some custom products that we would like visitors to be able to inquire about for a quote. We originally had a custom form that passed the prod ID to the form, however, the captcha was conflicting with the latest update. I want to remove the custom form and ideally use the social media (ask a question) for visitors to inquire about the custom (zero priced) products.

This works great from the product detail page, however, I'd really like the ask a question on the product pages.

As an alternative, I thought we could use the detail link to guide visitors to the product detail page but only for the zero price products. We have a mixture of both custom (zero price) and normal products within the same category. would I display either the social media buttons on the product page or the detaillink button for only zero priced items?

Something to this effect:
For the detail link on products page, I just need the product price variable:
if ($GLOBALS['pricevar'] == 0) {
$GLOBALS['productpagelayout']='custom1,sku,productimage, productname, manufacturer, discounts, instock, description, options, listprice, custom2, price, currency, detaillink';

Does that help at all? Also, would ECT offer the coding service to add that social media links on the product page?
Thank you so much for the response and all your help Vince.

Thank you,


42874 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2019 :  09:49:10  
Ok, how about then open incfunctions.php in notepad and search for...

Then on the line after that put...


That will mean that the next line which is already there...

print '<div class="'.$cs.'detaillink">' . imageorlink(@$imgdetaillink,$GLOBALS['xxPrDets'],$cs.'detaillink',$thedetailslink,FALSE) . "</div>\n";

Will only get executed when the price is zero.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2019 :  11:50:12  
Some time back I worked up something for the ask a question on the products page I believe.
Have you seen this thread?

:::EDIT::: There is a lot going on in that thread and that was before some ect changes were made that may make the code work better. If you can't get a solution, I can try to help you get that ask a question working on the products page.

Edited by - dbdave on 12/05/2019 11:54:07

Starting Member

31 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 12/05/2019 :  13:57:47  
I saw that post as I was looking for a solution but completely missed the code example...!
Reviewing now. I appreciate your offer to help very much and will post back once I get a chance to try a version of this.

You and Vince...awesome support.

Thank you,
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