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Ecommerce Template Expert

United Kingdom
792 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2019 :  04:20:50  

Since updating to 7.1.7 I've had reports of a couple of issues..

1 - I have Sagepay, Paypal and Email payment options set up.. Several customers have reported that they selected the Paypal option, but were checked out with the Email payment option. I haven't been able to reproduce this, but as several customers have reported it I think there must be an issue causing it.
2 - A customer reported that their shopping cart contents disappeared. I'm not sure exactly what they were doing when this happened, but I did some testing and found that it if I add items to cant and then log in to my account the cart items disappear which I don't think should happen.



42874 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2019 :  06:51:19  
Hi Richard
I tried on your site but logging into my account the cart items were still there. Can you maybe give me step by step details on how to reproduce?
For the email checkout problem, could it be the item they were purchasing was zero price? If there is no cost then checkout will go through email.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

United Kingdom
792 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2019 :  08:36:19  
Hi Vince,

I've done some more testing and I think the payment method selection issue is due to the way the radio buttons and text are wrap on small screens causing them to go out of alignment.

I've spent quite a lot of time trying to reproduce the lost cart contents issue, but I'm still not sure what's happening. It seems to work perfectly most of the time, but a couple of times I have observed the cart empty for no reason. I'll keep testing and see if I can narrow it down more.


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