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Posted - 02/17/2020 :  07:06:59  
Having trouble with my social media buttons. They show up okay in Firefox and Chrome, but in Safari, they are a mess:


Here's a sample page:

Two other Social Media questions:

1) They are showing up to the left of the price instead of below it. How do I fix that?
2) How can I make them smaller?

On another subject, how do I hide "In Stock" that is showing up near the top of my product detail page?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2020 :  08:49:17  
Hi the site appears to still be using table layout, to fix it would require switching to layout in the vsadmin/includes.php you can define the page elements and the order in which they appear as outlined here style sheets are also available here

If you are not able to do that just yet you can hide the instock by adding this to your style sheet.

.prodinstock.detailinstock {
display: none;

As for the social media I don't see a way around it while using tables, ecommerce templates does offer css change over service here

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Posted - 02/17/2020 :  09:25:40  
[quote]Hi the site appears to still be using table layout, to fix it would require switching to layout in the vsadmin/includes.php you can define the page elements and the order in which they appear as outlined here style sheets are also available here [/quote]

Not 100% clear on your answer. Are you saying I can switch to css myself following those instructions?

[quote]If you are not able to do that just yet you can hide the instock by adding this to your style sheet.

.prodinstock.detailinstock {
display: none;

Do I add this to my stylesheet or to the ECT stylesheet?

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2020 :  11:37:10  
Hi yes you can switch to css layout there is additional information here
You can add that to your current style sheet and it will remove the instock.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
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Posted - 02/17/2020 :  12:17:00  
I'm going to take a look at that when I have some time. Until then, I tried adding this to my stylesheet as you suggested:

.prodinstock.detailinstock {
display: none;

All that did was make everything in my stock 0! Is there another way to remove line that in my product detail?

Also seeking additional clarity regarding the buttons. I can live with them being next to the price, but as you can see, they appear stacked and awful looking in Safari. Is there no way to rearrange the buttons themselves unless I go to CSS layout? (For now I removed them completely from my website).

Thanks again.

Edited by - mring on 02/17/2020 12:18:22

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/17/2020 :  12:28:40  
That should have remove it from displaying in the browser, it would go in styles.css in the css folder. If thats not working for you try Changing the in the vsadmin/includes.php from TRUE TO FALSE so that its like this.


Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates

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Posted - 02/17/2020 :  13:15:58  
Thanks Sinbad. That still didn't work. At this point, I don't care about the stock issue. Although I don't want it there, that wasn't my main concern. I will address it at a later date.

My main concern is the Social Media buttons, which is one of the reasons I finally decided to upgrade. If you can address that, I'd appreciate it. Is it possible to change the way they're appearing in the image shown in my original post without going to a CSS layout? As I said in my previous post, I can live with them showing up next to the price. What I'm concerned about is the buttons themselves. I would like them aligned going across, as opposed to being stacked and awful looking as they appear in Safari.


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/18/2020 :  03:34:20  
Hi Mring
Maybe your layout isn't good for having the larger buttons. How about trying the smaller ones? If you want to try that just add this button.


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Advanced Member

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Posted - 02/18/2020 :  05:53:20  
Yes! Thank you Vince! That's exactly what I had asked in my original post:

[quote]Two other Social Media questions:

1) They are showing up to the left of the price instead of below it. How do I fix that?
2) How can I make them smaller?[/quote]

Maybe it's best to stick to one question at a time.

You are awesome


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/19/2020 :  00:51:10  
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