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 Product Admin Editing features not working
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Advanced Member

251 Posts

Posted - 02/24/2020 :  11:47:07  
Whenever I try to edit a product through the Product Admin in the control panel, it doesn't update.

For example, if I delete a search word from a product listing & then click on submit. I can go back into the product & the search word I just deleted is still there. I've tried it through the Quick entry feature and manually.

Also, when I update "Out of Stock" products, I go into product listing #1 & update the stock, click on submit & it's still showing in the "Out of Stock" listing. If I refresh my browser it goes away, BUT if I go to update stock on product #2, when it takes me back to the "Out of Stock" listings both products #1 & #2 are still there until I refresh my browser again. I've never had to refresh my browser for them to update off the listing.

version number 7.18 and database mySQL


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  00:56:32  
Hi Trendyhounds
I've seen this before where updates on a site are only seen when you do a refresh and it's normally because the host is caching the output from PHP pages to improve page speed. This isn't good on a dynamic site as you aren't seeing the actual page with the changes, but an old, cached snapshot. Could that be the case? Try doing a <Ctrl>+Refresh on the pages you expect to see changes and see if they then appear. If this does seem to be the case, let your host know about the problem.


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Advanced Member

251 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  07:37:24  
In the example of deleting the search words through the quick entry feature, doing a refresh or a ctrl + refresh neither show that the words have been deleted.

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  07:51:28  
it's normally because the host is caching the output from PHP pages to improve page speed

We don't do that, for that very reason (and we are fast by default ). Looking over the site I'd recommend you don't add stuff to your .htaccess file unless you actually know what it does; most of what you have in there either does nothing or is counterproductive as in this case. Specifically, these sections:
<filesMatch "\.(x?html?|php)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=600, private, must-revalidate"
(explicitly tells the browser to cache PHP output for 10 minutes), and this bit:
ExpiresDefault "access 1 month"
(will effectively cause the browser to cache PHP output for a month). Both are a disaster in this context.


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Advanced Member

251 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  07:56:32  
I'd recommend you don't add stuff to your .htaccess file unless you actually know what it does; most of what you have in there either does nothing or is counterproductive as in this case.

I haven't personally added anything. I've had someone working on my site doing SEO work & I will pass along your info.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  09:23:01  
I've had someone working on my site doing SEO work & I will pass along your info

If they added that to your htaccess file, and they are supposed to be working on SEO, fire them immediately..

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  10:00:51  
They have been fired All directives except the ect rewrites have been removed and the issue still remains, do you think applying the updater will sort it out.

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ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  10:25:25  
Well, updaters are always a decent idea, but in this instance I'd suggest you probably just need to fully clear your cache or try a new browser. The rationale being if you tell the browser to cache stuff for a period it will keep doing that until that period expires, so while removing the caching directives will solve it going forward, stuff that's already cached for a month will stay cached until that month is over.

p.s. Lines 1 & 2; you use scalable vector graphics? I don't think so, so pointless if not. Line 3-11, not real useful, but harmless. Lines 14-17, OK, but clumsy. The rest is probably OK until those last two rewrite rules, which can probably go too; you don't have PHPSESSID in your query strings, so they are trying to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist.


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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  10:32:54  
Know what your saying and have cleared all browser data site owner has also done the same clearing the browser. Those entries were already present in the file only entries removed where the new entries below that. I'll apply updater and post back.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  11:29:07  
Updated switched to browser that has never been to the site and still same behavior when using quick entry to remove search words and hitting update, after the page refreshes the search words are still there. It will only remove search words by modifying the product directly.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
CSS and Responsive Designs
User Manual for Ecommerce Templates


42874 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  13:18:30  
after the page refreshes the search words are still there
Ooops. Bug fixed and uploaded in the updater in the file...
My apologies for that.


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Advanced Member

251 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  13:21:29  
Thank you for clarifying it wasn't anything that had been done through the SEO work.

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  13:59:16  
All that spurious .htaccess code was still causing you problems, whether you saw them or not; customers finding the wrong things in their cart, that sort of stuff. Nothing good will come of caching dynamic content on a site like this, as Vince referenced in his first post above. So those steps were still necessary, as are the other things I mentioned that are still there. The code as written showed all the signs of quick copy/paste of things that he found on the internet somewhere, with no understanding of what they actually do or if they were even necessary. Junk code like that isn't helping your SEO efforts, it makes it worse by slowing down your site and causing unexpected problems for search engines and real people.


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ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  14:29:11  
Peter the code that is in the file is what was already in there. Updating the site cleared up one issue with stock not updating from the quick entry but search words still won't update when using quick entry.

Winners never quit, quitters never win
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ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  14:47:50  
It may have already been there, but it's still wrong. What's left is probably not causing any operational problems at this point, but inefficient code bloat is still a problem worth addressing.

Per Vince, you need to grab a fresh copy of incprods.php from the latest updater to solve the remainder of the issue; if that's already done then the exact nature of the problem and how to reproduce it might need clarifying a bit for him, as there are some contradictions here since the original post.


Professional ecommerce web hosting services
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Advanced Member

251 Posts

Posted - 02/25/2020 :  19:05:54  
I've added the latest updater & it's finally worked.
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