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 switching top PP Express did away with using any c
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95 Posts

Posted - 02/26/2020 :  12:52:03  
sorry spoke too soon I still got an issue with switching to PP Express.

NOW when a user click the papal Icon it EXPECTS them to have a PP account or to CREATE one the customer does NOT want a PP account and wants to pay with credit card of their choice? They need to option Pay Without PayPal Account.

What am I missing??



42874 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2020 :  00:36:29  
In that case it sounds like you want to enable PayPal Standard, and if it is not done so already make sure "PayPal Account Optional" is set. There seems to be a discussion about this here...


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42874 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2020 :  00:39:17  
And actually, you don't even need PayPal Standard as with Express you can have the PayPal account optional...

Log in to your PayPal account on
Click Profile.
Under Selling Preferences, click Website Payment Preferences.
Select "PayPal Account Optional".
Click Save.


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New Member

95 Posts

Posted - 03/01/2020 :  18:26:47  
HI Vince,

I must be missing something: First, your instructions are old (pp seems to change their interface often) but I did find the option but it was already turned on. (Select "PayPal Account Optional" is set to YES)

Here is what you see when you choose to go to PP to pay via Express. You can login or create account but NO option to pay without an account.

Please advise-
As always


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2020 :  02:19:51  
Hi again
I'm afraid that I have found on this page...
Next, there are specific reasons the Credit Card Option may not be available to your customers.

* You are using Express Checkout. Express Checkout requires a PayPal Account
It seems that for PayPal Express you do need to have a PayPal account and my apologies if I got that wrong.


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New Member

95 Posts

Posted - 03/02/2020 :  21:50:12  
ok I can surely appreciate that.

So what are my options for not forcing customers to type in address info if they have a PP account already?
But still allow then to pay without an account?

Any ideas?

Any direction is appreciated.



42874 Posts

Posted - 03/03/2020 :  07:36:34  
Hi Mxzrxp
I think what most people do is have PayPal Express and Standard. That way if the customer wants to take advantage of pulling address details from their PP account they can, or they can go through the standard checkout flow and use a PP account or card.


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New Member

95 Posts

Posted - 03/03/2020 :  14:41:59  
I thought about that but they two icons that show up are rather confusing on which is which.

I know you are busy and this is probably a low priority but I got to believe others could use it ???

I know this works with PayPal express, as we have another site where members pay dues. And when the member goes to pay they see this dialog:

It is that "Pay with Credit or Debit" that is needed as many people just do not want to use paypal for some reason.

I know in your setup for express you have a field for the paypal token etc. I am "assuming" that is if wanting to use the sandbox? And not needed for taking payments? I know we had to provide that to the folks that wrote the other paypal site and I just assumed it was for the sandbox.

As you can see I am grasping for answers so any direction is appreciated.


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/04/2020 :  03:15:31  
I know this works with PayPal express, as we have another site where members pay dues. And when the member goes to pay they see this dialog:
Could you possibly ask PayPal support this question? Maybe send them the URL of the site where you see this working?

Another possibility is to change the text for the button and I believe setting...
xxCOTxt="Pay with Card" your includes.asp file would do that.


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New Member

95 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2020 :  02:10:44  
"xxCOTxt="Pay with Card"" this does not exist in my includes file, and adding it did nothing.

Let me be sure I am asking this correctly as I cannot see how it has anything to do with PP ??

Customer buys an item
They go to the cart and click the PP button

When they click the PayPal button they are taken to this useless screen

After they are forced to fill needless data they are shown this screen, just take them to PP

Now when the click the Check out with PP button they go here: why? they just hit the PP button

and it takes them here, why not just take them here and drop the other screens?
Just take them here:

Above is where it should take them after they review the cart and say pay with PP

That way a PP user just enters their password and moves on. And if someone does not want a PP account they have that option here.

Can you just bypass the three not needed screens?

I hope I am explaining correctly. Please ask questions otherwise.

Thank you!


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/12/2020 :  02:45:09  
Hi again
I see why changing the xxCOTxt had no effect and it is because you have an image set as a checkout button. Either change the image (images/checkout.gif) or set the following in your includes.asp file...
Again, it normally won't be there so if it's not just add it.

The reason that the customer details is taken in the regular checkout flow is because information like the address is used to calculate shipping and taxes, and with PayPal Standard you have to have the shipping and taxes calculated before you get to the payment processor. This is why the PayPal Express checkout flow was introduced so you can do do exactly what it is you are asking, and it seems a shame that PayPal only allow PP account payments through that flow. It looks like in your system you don't have either shipping or taxes but that really isn't the norm and because of that the checkout doesn't take into account that possibility I'm afraid.


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