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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 Dynamic title and meta description tags
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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2020 :  11:06:00  
Is there an advanced version like there is with PHP? (

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2020 :  17:51:23  
Hi Marshall

Is this what you are looking for?

Bolton, Lancashire, UK

Remember - Any edits to the ectcart.css file will be overwritten by updater's. ALL edits to ectcart.css rules should be placed in your style.css folder.

Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 03/16/2020 :  19:14:09  
No Steve, that is the simple one. The advanced one for PHP has a lot more variables and I was not sure if Vince had written one for ASP. Would save me the time doing so.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
Affordable Web Design
Custom Ecommerce Designs
Responsive Websites


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  05:21:57  
Hi Marshall
Just copy and paste the PHP code here and I'll let you know the ASP version.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 03/17/2020 :  07:20:14  
It is all here, bit okay.

Advanced categories.php settings

Instead of using the above, copy and paste the following lines into vsadmin/includes.php (changing the text for your own)

$GLOBALS['sitenamelong']='The name of your site goes here (around 50-60 characters and unique)';
$GLOBALS['rootcategorytitle']='The page title to appear on the main categories.php page (around 50-60 characters)';
$GLOBALS['rootcategorydescription']='The page meta description to appear on the main categories.php page (around 160 characters max)';

Replace the title and meta description tags on categories.php with the following

if(!empty($pagetitle)) {print $pagetitle;}
else if(!empty($sectionname)) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitenamelong;}
else {print $rootcategorytitle;} ?></title>
<meta property="og:title" content="<?php
if(!empty($pagetitle)) {print $pagetitle;}
else if(!empty($sectionname)) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitenamelong;}
else {print $rootcategorytitle;} ?>">

<meta name="Description" content="<?php if(!empty($sectiondescription)) {print str_replace('"','"',$sectiondescription);} else {print $rootcategorydescription;} ?>">

Make sure you test the results by viewing source on your category and sub-category pages.

Advanced products.php settings

Instead of using the above, copy and paste the following lines into vsadmin/includes.php (changing the text for your own)

$GLOBALS['sitename']='The name of your site goes here (around 50-60 characters)';
$GLOBALS['allpagestitle']='The page title to appear on the main products.php page (around 50-60 characters)';
$GLOBALS['allpagesdescription']='The page meta description to appear on the main products.php page (around 160 characters max)';

Replace the title and meta description tags on products.php with the following

<?php $pno = (isset($_GET['pg']) && is_numeric($_GET['pg'])) ? (int)$_GET['pg'] : 1; $pagenumber = ' page ' . $pno; ?>
if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno == 1) {print $pagetitle;}
else if(!empty($pagetitle) && $pno != 1){print $pagetitle . $pagenumber;}
else if(!empty($sectionname) && $pno == 1) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitename;}
else if(!empty($sectionname) && $pno != 1) {print $sectionname . ' | ' . $sitename . $pagenumber;}
else if($pno == 1) {print $allpagestitle;}
else {print $allpagestitle . $pagenumber;} ?></title>

<meta name="Description" content="<?php
if(!empty($sectiondescription) && $pno < 2) {print $sectiondescription;}
else if(!empty($sectiondescription) && $pno > 1) {print $sectiondescription . ' ' . $pagenumber;}
else if($pno < 2) {print $allpagesdescription;}
else {print $allpagesdescription . ' ' . $pagenumber;} ?>">

Make sure you test the results by viewing source on your product pages.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
Affordable Web Design
Custom Ecommerce Designs
Responsive Websites


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2020 :  03:56:45  
Hi Marshall
How's this then...

Advanced categories.asp settings

Instead of using the above, copy and paste the following lines into vsadmin/includes.asp (changing the text for your own)

sitenamelong="The name of your site goes here (around 50-60 characters and unique)"
rootcategorytitle="The page title to appear on the main categories.asp page (around 50-60 characters)"
rootcategorydescription="The page meta description to appear on the main categories.asp page (around 160 characters max)"

Replace the title and meta description tags on categories.asp with the following

if pagetitle<>"" then
print pagetitle
elseif sectionname<>"" then
print sectionname & " | " & sitenamelong
print rootcategorytitle
end if %></title>
<meta property="og:title" content="<%
if pagetitle<>"" then
print pagetitle
elseif sectionname<>"" then
print sectionname & " | " & sitenamelong
print rootcategorytitle
end if %>" />

<meta name="description" content="<% if sectiondescription<>"" then print replace(sectiondescription,"""","""") else print rootcategorydescription %>" />

Make sure you test the results by viewing source on your category and sub-category pages.

Advanced products.asp settings

Instead of using the above, copy and paste the following lines into vsadmin/includes.asp (changing the text for your own)

sitename="The name of your site goes here (around 50-60 characters)"
allpagestitle="The page title to appear on the main products.asp page (around 50-60 characters)"
allpagesdescription="The page meta description to appear on the main products.asp page (around 160 characters max)"

Replace the title and meta description tags on products.asp with the following

if request.querystring("pg")<>"" AND isnumeric(request.querystring("pg")) then pno=cint(request.querystring("pg"))
pagenumber=" page " & pno %>
if pagetitle<>"" AND pno=1 then
print pagetitle
elseif pagetitle<>"" AND pno<>1 then
print pagetitle & pagenumber
elseif sectionname<>"" AND pno=1 then
print sectionname & " | " & sitename
elseif sectionname<>"" AND pno<>1 then
print sectionname & " | " & sitename & pagenumber
elseif pno=1 then
print allpagestitle
print allpagestitle & pagenumber
end if %></title>

<meta name="description" content="<%
if sectiondescription<>"" AND pno < 2 then
print sectiondescription
elseif sectiondescription<>"" AND pno > 1 then
print sectiondescription & " " & pagenumber
elseif pno < 2 then
print allpagesdescription
print allpagesdescription & " " & pagenumber
end if %>" />

Make sure you test the results by viewing source on your product pages.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 03/18/2020 :  04:54:42  
Thanks Vince.

CENLYT Productions - ms designs
Affordable Web Design
Custom Ecommerce Designs
Responsive Websites
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