Cart page already has added to the vsadmins/includes: $termsandconditions=TRUE;
Customer wants to add another similiar required checkbox about having read installation info. Would hyperlink this to the installation info page it references.
Hi, you can find that in the php parameters page, linked on the "How it Works" menu on the left there. This should help
$extracheckoutfield2html="<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ectfield\" value=\"Yes\"> I have read the <a href=\"/tech-info/stock-fasteners_summary.php\">recommended thread engagement and installation torque values</a>";
Hi Mooseman, you might want to try it. The first two lines look good, but the third, I'm not sure about the syntax, so test it immediately after adding and remove (or comment out those lines with // before each) so the site is working while you fine tune the feature.