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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  09:18:36  
Here's my scenario::

I've created the cart to be an RFQ (Request For Quote) setup. All the products are zero-priced. Customers browse and add items to their RFQ (cart), then submit (checkout).

The Sales Team receive the email, then EDIT the order (RFQ) with pricing, then UPDATE the order, which emails the customer.

Is it possible to allow the customer to login to the cart, and then checkout and pay for items?

ECT'ing since v3.1

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2020 :  09:34:13  
If they have a client account and you place the order in "unauthorized" status it may work.
You can try it.

Although what we do is use the donation feature as a make a payment feature. It's not too hard to setup.

Using the donations page as a general payment method

It may be that you need to use the donations feature for other purposes such as receiving payments for extra shipping, add-ons, custom services etc. If that is the case you probably won't want the word "donations" to appear anywhere in the order process. Setting up the donations to receive general payments is quite simple.

Open vsadmin/inc/languagefile_en.asp or .php and change the following two entries

xxDonat="Direct Payment"
xxMakDon="Make A Direct Payment"

$xxDonat="Direct Payment";
$xxMakDon= "Make A Direct Payment";

It's a good idea to copy those entries to vsadmin/includes.asp or includes.php do they don't get overwritten by updaters.

Now open donations.asp and add the following



<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incspecials.asp"-->

For the PHP version, that would be



<?php include "vsadmin/inc/incspecials.php" ?>

Finally in vsadmin/includes.asp add


or for vsadmin/includes.php



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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  09:53:13  
Thanks, David.

That looks like it might be a great workaround!!

ECT'ing since v3.1

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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  12:35:07  
This all looks like something I could use.

But what is the difference between:
<% explicitid="xxx" %>
<% prodid="xxx" %>

Using that pages instructions as written - you would go from:
<% explicitid="donation" %>
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incspecials.asp"-->

<% explicitid="donation" %>
<% prodid="payments" %>
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incspecials.asp"-->

I want to create a Payment.asp page but this doesn't quite look right...

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2020 :  13:26:12  
I opened my proddetail.asp page in my html editor and immediately saved it as payments.asp

Then, replace the include line in the content area with this

<% prodid="payments" %>
<!--#include file="vsadmin/inc/incspecials.asp"-->

That's it.

With some extra custom coding, you can do something like this -
We generate this link right in the admin from the customers order details.


Edited by - dbdave on 04/20/2020 13:29:39

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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  14:19:53  

I'm thinking that I could code a querystring in the link of the email, and build a query to pull from the dbo.cart and dbo.cartoptions based on the orderid to populate an invoice again.

I'm feeling good about this!!

ECT'ing since v3.1

Edited by - RobertBrady on 04/20/2020 14:24:38

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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  14:25:53  
I did same thing - it goes to "Purchase Gift Certificates" instead.

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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  14:28:34  
I'm not going to do anything today, so tomorrow I'll work on this...

ECT'ing since v3.1

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2020 :  17:56:18  
query to pull from the dbo.cart and dbo.cartoptions based on the orderid to populate an invoice again

It's really easier than that.
With some javascript on the payments page, it will process the querystring, and populate the fields, then submit the form, taking the user right to the cart so they can compete the payment.

I think I posted this before as a tip. I'll look around and see.
If not, I will see if I can gather the bits of code and post it.


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Posted - 04/20/2020 :  19:11:52  
Your sample and link posted above looks to be what I was also looking for.
But I have noticed that each time the link is clicked on, another quantity of one of the entire amount is added to the cart.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2020 :  20:20:38  
But I have noticed that each time the link is clicked on, another quantity of one of the entire amount is added to the cart.

Right, but you keep clicking the link, where a customer will only click it once and follow through to checkout and pay.


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Posted - 04/21/2020 :  10:43:45  
The best solution that I use for this is using Mike Bebee's ReCart Pro.

You can edit the order, update it, then there is a button at the bottom of the order details page that will send the customer an email with a link to get to the updated cart.
So their RFQ becomes a detailed order that they can simply checkout to purchase.

This is created for abandoned carts, but works wonderfully as I described above.


New Member

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Posted - 04/21/2020 :  11:47:09  
Quick Question - As I said, I'm using the final checkout page to send the RFQ to the Sales Team.

Isn't the cart basically emptied once that was submitted??

ECT'ing since v3.1

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2020 :  12:08:00  
If they have a client account and you place the order in "unauthorized" status it may work.
You can try it.
We have processed orders then moved them to unauthorized and the customers were able to see the order in their cart.


Edited by - dbdave on 04/21/2020 12:09:21

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Posted - 05/06/2020 :  08:40:22  
I've been able to recreate the cart, but only if the client was logged in when they first fill out the RFQ (cart) and submit it, but...

Once they've submitted the RFQ (checked out), the cart is marked Completed in the database (cart.cartCompleted=1).

The only way I can refill the cart after EDITing the order and notifying the client by email to open the cart, was to physically change the "1" to "0" in the database. That's not going to work...for obvious reasons.

BUT (yep, another but), when they finalize (checked out) their order and make payment, it creates a new OrderID.

The mod "ReCart Pro" will not work because once the client has initially submitted the RFQ, as I mentioned above, the RFQ (cart) is marked "cartCompleted=1" in the database, so there isn't an abandoned cart to work with.

ECT'ing since v3.1
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