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 Confused Which PayPal to Use in Admin
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Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  12:30:44  
I have been using PayPal Payments Standard. I am now trying to set up PayPal to where the orders can be processed on my website, as opposed to being taken to the PayPal website.

The options in payment processors admin are:

PayPal Direct Payments
PayPal Express Payments
PayPal Payflow Link
PayPal Payments Standard
PayPal Payments Advanced
PayPal Standard SB

It was suggested that in order to allow customers to checkout using PayPal without leaving my website, I should use PayPal Payments Pro. PayPal Payments Pro doesn't seem to be an option in my admin. However, following the setup instructions at, it seemed to line up with PayPal Direct Payments. So I followed the instructions to integrate PayPal Direct Payments. This shows the credit card entry boxes on my cart page (which is what I was looking for). However when customers attempt to make a purchase they are receiving this message:

"I'm sorry, there was a problem with your transaction.
Transaction Result
This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions."

One thing I noticed is that when I enabled PayPal Direct Payments, it automatically enabled PayPal Express Payments in my admin.

What am I missing?

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  13:30:27  
Hi, PayPal express is required with PayPal payments pro, but I have a trick for that and will message you.
I think your account with PayPal needs to be a business account for PayPal direct, so check on that with them.


Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  15:01:20  

I tried the trick that you suggested but it didn't work for me. I tried several different ways but no luck.
(I have a business account).

Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  16:09:17  
After hours of testing and trying, one thing I have come to notice is that under PayPal Direct Payments in my admin, I am missing the drop-down box labeled "API Method".

I assume I need that. How would I go about getting that varmint?

I'm using the latest ECT version 7.2.2.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/05/2020 :  17:10:51  
Hi, is it the trick I emailed about that's not working?
If so, reply to my email with details and we will discuss it there.

I did a search here on the forum for - The merchant's account is not able to process transactions
I find multiple results that all seem to show a resolution coming from Paypal.
You might need some approval from there. It's been a number of years since I set mine up, so I would suggest check with them.

I am pretty sure you want to be using the three token method -
It's possible some steps may have changed within paypal since those instructions were last revised.


Ecommerce Template Expert

974 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2020 :  05:32:24  
I believe that if I could figure out how to get the drop-down box "API Method" to show in my PayPal Payments Direct admin page I could move forward with this venture.

I have the latest version (7.2.2) so I'm not sure why I don't have that box. However I assume that it is needed in order to get PP Direct (Pro) working.

Anyone know what file is needed to get this box to show?


42874 Posts

Posted - 05/06/2020 :  14:32:52  
This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions.
This looks like one of those messages that is probably just what it says, that for some reason the merchant's account cannot process transactions. A lot of these times this is because say a billing agreement or something like that hasn't been signed with paypal. But if you get on to the paypal about it they should be able to tell you what the problem is and we can take it from there.
However I assume that it is needed in order to get PP Direct (Pro) working.
This dropdown is actually for the PHP version not the ASP version. For the ASP version just by entering an API signature you are using the API signature method. The other alternative with ASP (the API certificate method) is a real pain as it requires your host to install certificates. So just use the API Signature method and enter a signature.


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