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 ASP (Windows server) versions check out
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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2020 :  07:08:33 has been been getting complaints and questions as to how to check out and put in credit card information. I have had about 6 people in past week and half say they can not check out, some will say it just keeps taking them back to put in their demographics over and over again.
It shows and I get an email that they have created an account but I never ever see that they have attempted to place an order (nothing in red and no name anywhere in orders)

ECT Moderator

3958 Posts

Posted - 05/22/2020 :  08:42:00  
Is this a new issue for your site or is this a new site with no orders? I was able to get to the checkout page, enter my details and get to the credit card page. Is it only after they enter the CC data and submit that they return?

Mike Beebe
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Posted - 05/23/2020 :  12:28:11  
I had something very similar happening on Friday. Two customers couldn't checkout as the website kept going in circles. PLUS - I couldn't log in to my website. Entered ID, Password and then hit submit - login would take me back around to 'enter ID and password' yet it would send the admin email stating a proper login id and password were used.
For me, it turned out to be one thing in common: Firefox. Both customers were using Firefox and I was also using Firefox. Changed to Chrome and all was fine. And today, all is back to normal again for Firefox.

Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2020 :  08:35:21  
It a new issue in the last couple weeks. Several orders have come in today, so not everyone is experiencing it. Had two complaints about it last week.


42874 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2020 :  01:48:08  
The main reason for things like this happening is if the site swaps between the www. and non-www. forms of the URL, or between HTTPS and HTTP. If you can find a way to reproduce this please let me know the steps.


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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 05/28/2020 :  10:58:23  
In the Store Settings, the Store URL was http:// and the HTTPS Store URL was https://
They're now both https://
We'll see if the problem is reported again.
Thank you!

Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  11:27:14  
Another customer emailed today:
"I am trying to place an order. I cannot get screen to advance to payment. "

I don't know if her issue is the same as the others who brought it to our attention, but it sounds the same. Apparently changing both URLs in the Store Settings to https did not fix it.

Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  11:44:03  
She's on a MAC using Safari.

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  11:53:40  
I'm on a Mac using Safari. Works fine for me all the way through to where my bogus credit card number gets declined.


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Advanced Member

255 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  13:41:46  
Just got of the phone with the shopper. She is on an iPad, was able to duplicate the problem and sent me this screen shot,
It would not let her click past this screen.

I tried on my two iPads, old and new, and both orders processed. I'm not able to duplicate the problem. She is and has offered me to call again if needed.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  14:01:55  
Hi, to me, the screen shot just looks like your client login page

Have you asked the customer what page they are on?
Have them read off the url?


ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  17:08:25  
I agree, it does look like the client login page. I was able to check out on an iPad also, no problem, although it seems like a poor design where the entire cart (and the only way to advance the process) can be inadvertently closed leaving the main content area filled with the useless menu/minicart/minlogin elements. Some scope for user confusion there. The header menu is a mess on small devices too, overflows to a second line and looks like a search box when it gets small.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/04/2020 :  17:48:36  
Hi Kevin, I know with my site, some time back, I realized that on small views, there was no easy way to get to checkout if you had left the cart page. I made sure I had links in a few places to get folks to checkout if this happens.
I see the checkout link in the minicart there in the screenshot, but not everyone will see this.

Asking the customers a few specific questions may reveal it's as simple as that... They are just having trouble getting to the cart page.

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