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 Configure item - Product ID does not change
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Posted - 06/05/2020 :  08:41:25  
I have setup several items on our website that I need to be able to "Configure" different sizes, items, etc. i.e. "Gloves". Pricing and pictures change as advertised however I noticed that the product ID, UPC code and Descriptions do not change.

Is this normal and only pricing plus pictures change?

Regards, Peter

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

65937 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2020 :  12:10:11  
Hi Peter, you can use alt id for the product options and that will provide a unique product id - The upc/sku/descriptions will be the same as the main item.

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Posted - 06/05/2020 :  12:49:16  
Hi Sinbad,

Yes we have done everything to have the ability to select alternate sizes. Only the pictures and price adjustments change.

What does not change are Product ID (Reference Number)/UPC/sku/descriptions although the alternate product sizes will have different Product ID's, sku's and perhaps even description variances.

Perhaps this is something the requires software programming upgrades for the future.

Regards, Peter

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/05/2020 :  13:47:42  
Hi cciknives, there are two ways to setup product options - You can just create an option and list the choices and away you go, but if you need something more, such as unique product ID's or inventory control over the options, then you use the ALTprodID feature Sinbad linked to.

Are you saying you are using the latter?


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Posted - 06/06/2020 :  06:22:09  
Hi Dave, Peter here,

Yes I do believe I am using the ALTprodID.

Options/Alternates, Alt Prod ID
Grey (XS) - SP1028-1-XS
Blue (S) - SP1028-2-S

On our website search "Gloves" and you should see the problem.

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2020 :  06:47:43  
Hi Peter, sorry, but I should have read your original post better.
I noticed that the product ID, UPC code and Descriptions do not change.

On the product detail page, none of that will change, but in the cart, I am pretty sure the product ID should be the ID of the option, although I can't see that in your cart because you use the product image there in place of the ID, but can you confirm when the order comes through, that the product ID has changed to that of the option?
I see the image looks to change, so everything seems to be working as it should.

I see Sinbad did address that
The upc/sku/descriptions will be the same as the main item


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2020 :  07:13:05  
In addition to what Dave has correctly said I think perhaps you should change the product names to reflect the size and colors

For example the product ID SP1028-2-S should have a product name "Steel Blend Knit Gloves Size:Small Color:Blue"

Then when it's added to cart it clarifies the customer has added the correct product

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Edited by - Phil on 06/06/2020 07:13:49

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Posted - 06/06/2020 :  09:45:21  
Thanks Dave and Phil,

Looks like the product id and description does/will not change when selecting options, only picture. We have addressed the problem by having the picture show sizing selected.

When creating a test order the product id does show up along with the product name, weight, qty., price so we have no problem identifying what has been ordered.

I just think that when a customer orders the option the product id and description should also change to reflect what they are selecting. Perhaps this is food for thought in product development.

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

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Posted - 06/06/2020 :  09:50:38  
I changed the description for the x-small item as you suggested Phil and you will see when selecting alternate sizes the div-detail name description remain without changing. To us it looks odd as it never changes when selecting alternate sizes, therefore we remove Size:x-Small Color:Grey in the description.

I left it in so you can see the issue.

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 06/06/2020 :  10:14:00  
Does it not show the changed name in the cart?
It won't change on the detail page.

I changed the description for the x-small item

I've just added all the options to cart and it appears all the product names are the same, it seems you have changed the description and not the product name?

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Edited by - Phil on 06/06/2020 11:49:43

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Posted - 06/07/2020 :  14:49:40  
Hi Phil, that's exactly what the problem is - "It won't change on the detail page."

Try adding to the cart x-small-Grey and any size up and you will see that the cart does show item description for the one item I changed. That is not the problem.

The problem is when a customer selects an item on the detail page, along with the picture change, the product ID and the description should change too.

I think its a programming thing in the software.

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 06/07/2020 :  16:31:48  
Hi Peter
It's not meant to change on the detail page and never has.
Only the price and image change on the detail page

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Posted - 06/08/2020 :  09:52:25  
Thanks Phil, just as I thought.

Aw gee - I wonder if that could be an easy fix in a future update?

CCI - Tools for the Discriminating Chef
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