Posted - 06/19/2020 : 07:04:18
We have 3 different suppliers that dropship most or our orders. We ourselves also store some products so in total 4 parties are involved with the fullfillment of the orders in our store. To help our dropshippers we have implemented a seperate backoffice where they can handle the order, set the order status, print address label and invoice with our logo. When the suppier changes the orderstatus an automatic mail is send to inform the customer. This is a custom made page, but only uses functionality that is already present in the Ecommerce Template. When an order has te be completed by 2 or more suppliers it gets a bit complicated. As an order can only have one order status. So if supplier 1 changes the status to shipped the next supplier cannot do this anymore. So we are looking for a solution where all suppliers can update their part of order handling and customer can be informed that item 1 by supplier 1 is shipped, item 2 of supplier 2 is delayed etc.. Is there maybe an add-on for this or maybe other users have the same problem and it might be a nice new function for the Ecommerce Templates? Or maybe some other suggestions? Love to hear. Greetings, Jaap jaapg@promanent.comPromanent b.v. |