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 ASP (Windows server) versions
 Update to ASP v7.2.3 problems
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New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2020 :  16:34:00  
I am trying to update to Update to ASP v7.2.3 (Virtual_CSS_Monochrome)

I Copied the CSS and JS files as instructed, checked the boxes.
Then click on the Upgrade to version v7.2.3 button
I saw a checkmark, and some files being updated for about 5 seconds, then
....right as I wanted to get happy....
I did NOT get the
"Success" message and the page did not refresh.

Got the
Can’t reach this page

•Make sure the web address is correct
•Search for this site on Bing
•Refresh the page

More information More information
The connection to the website was reset.


I could login, and it indicated something did upgrade, top left corner:
Ecommerce PlusASP v7.2.3

"Now via FTP copy all the files and folders from the updater download to your site to overwrite those on the server."

This step I did not complete, since the FTP upload asked top overwrite

Readme.txt indicates these files should be copied to the vsadmin/inc dir?

Some other file on the server are larger than the updater, so it it is not clear if these should be overridden, even though the instructions says so..?

Any help appreciated

New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2020 :  16:45:17  
I closed my eyes and hit override all file.
I completed and it seems to work.

Don't understand why \custompayproc\customppsend.asp on site was so much larger then that of the updater, but so be it...

Still checking, but all seems OK.

New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/20/2020 :  16:58:57  
Still some needed..

Only the Paypal payment method shows available on checkout..
When clicking Checkout, screen blinks, but no checkout page appears.
Clicking Checkout or "Checkout with PayPal" does nothing....

I tried with IE and MS Edge and Chrome.


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2020 :  00:46:38  
Have you got something to force the site on to HTTPS? If you do that but have the store URL in admin set as a non-HTTPS address then this will happen and that could be the case here.


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New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2020 :  05:05:09  

Not in a web.config file.
But I believe when the SSL certificate is added, the http to https redirection is added.
(Thus was previously the case with other hoster).

Regardless, I asked them to do it, since running from HTTPS is a merchant account requirement? I seem to remember.
You should see the little "Assurance Card" compliance picture on the middle right of each page.

PS. This new Hoster told me NO, so I aske them very specifically to add this redirection.

Any help appreciated

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2020 :  06:40:59  
Hi, can you check the admin>main settings and see what you have set there for the store url's?


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/21/2020 :  17:33:25  
Vince, dbdave,

I am now pretty close.
Short: I go hold of of previous v6.9.x files, uploaded to new Hosting co
Ran the update v7.2.3 - all passed all good.
Set both the Store URL: and HTTPS Store URL: to https://.......

When I add to cart, the "waiting" circle swirls round and round and round....
I then backpage on IE Explorer, and all is normal.
Click on View Cart, and the item was added.

In the <head> section:
ECT indictates
<link href="css/ectcart.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="css/ectcart.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

ECT indictates
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ectcart.js"></script>
mine: ....same

All the other <link href=.... has a " /> so perhaps css does not care?

Any help appreciated


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2020 :  13:15:26  
I've been trying to test your site to see what is up but it seems to be offline all day. Can you ask your host if they can see what is up?


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New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/23/2020 :  15:13:46  

I go to
Click Checkout,
Then I get
Error: Your server's applications pool is not running, but it was not stopped through Plesk. There might be some issue with IIS. You can restart the application pool

I click restart the application pool..
Then refresh the cart and it works.
The click on Checkout, same thing happens.

In Firefox, I get:
Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to

I sent a request to the host, so I need to wait..
I did not have these problems before, since 2016.
Now, I have been struggling for a week, pulling out hair, so I just don't get it..


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  05:30:04  

I created a account on the shopping cart site:
Test Problem

Please login, click on
ClientLogin.jpg, ViewCart.jpg, Checkout1.jpg, Checkout2.jpg, FedEx.jpg

Most times the IIS Application Pool will stop at Checkout.
If not, click on FedEx.jpg

This will stop IIS Application Pool and return:

Service Unavailable
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Then in Plesk, I Restart IIS, and can go through the same thing.....

I know this seems like a server error, but the cart seems to be causing it.
Perhaps someone has seen this befor with Windows servers?

Any help appreciated

New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  09:22:42  
What is the correct update sequence.
(I'm not sure how I did it)

Frist copy ALL files to server, (CSS, js, vsadmin, images), then run update?
Copy CSS and js only, then run update, then copy vsadmin, images.
Skip custompayproc since the old cart already has that..

I am tempted to FTP my v6.9.6 backup to the server, then see if it works.
Then do the update..
Then check the functionality.


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  11:55:09  
First backup the database and all site files.

The sequence is upload ALL files in the new updater, run updatestore.asp / php. Once that has completed successfully remove updatestore.asp /php. Check all is well with the site. It really should be as quick & simple as that!

I have always run it that way & in 15 years of using ECT never had it go pear shaped. That's probably cursed me now! I/we manage quite a few ECT sites.

I have seen people on here only uploading a few of the files & end up in the soup, that's not the best way to do it. Only in the case where Vince has issued a file or two with bug's/ amendments where he occasionally says just use xxxxx.asp file or whatever.

Edited by - 1818charlie on 08/24/2020 12:01:48

New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  13:42:21  

This what the hoster say:


The website is working fine, and SSL is also valid, but there is Mixed Content on website code.

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
default.asp:241 Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ''. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

You need to make changes in code to resolve the issue in the latest browsers. You need to use all HTTPS [secured] links on code by involving your web developer.

Does any of this gice a clue?

New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  15:28:13  
Is there a file that I can check, open with notepad, to verify which version of a backup this is?

Without actually running on a site..


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  16:52:30  
Hi, rolling the site back would involve replacing the files from a backup, but also restoring a backup of the database.
Personally, I think it's best to resolve the issue.

Reading through the posts, it does seem like there is an issue with the session variables on the server.

Your host saying that some images on the page are not served secure, does need to be addressed, but certainly should not cause the problems you describe.

As for running the update, it really does not matter what order the steps are run, as long as all steps are performed.
copy over files to the server - run the updatestore script in the browser.

I tried your site, but it shows 403 forbidden, so I can't look at it to form my own opinion of the issue.
It could be that you need to force the site to stay on https if there is no mechanism in place for that, so take a look at this thread and check my post for a web.config file for windows servers.

If you can get the pages loading, please post back and I'll take a look to see what I can find.


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/24/2020 :  18:59:21  
I took a backup from my _v6.9.6_ (Last know working cart)
Uploaded to site..
Click on checkout does nothing - just a screenblink..
Then I ran updater to 7.2.3, Completed good....
Click on checkout, same, screenblink, nothing else.

I do have the 64bit string indb_conn_open.asp sDSN = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=xxxxx\fpdb\vsproducts.mdb;"
I know it works, because I had to uncheck the "Enable 32-bit applications" from hosting.

Any help appreciated
PS - Removed Test account info

Edited by - renixstore on 08/25/2020 07:56:19

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  07:43:30  

Most of your site seems to be working fine here. I have just tried your site & the issue I get is once an item is added to cart clicking on Checkout or PayPal the screen just blinks & stays on the cart screen. Deleting the item from cart works as expected.

I had a customer a few weeks back who was experiencing the exact same thing. They had tried editing their .htaccess file thinking they knew what they were doing. The entries they were messing about which fluffed the site was with the extensionless URLs. Accessing the their admin was also busted.

I am aware your site is asp so the config file content may be a place to check over. My knowledge of asp is zero, sorry.

PS - I would remove the test account login info from your previous post.


Edited by - 1818charlie on 08/25/2020 07:47:10

New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  11:02:50  

I have depleted all my options.
The site is running, but the cart checkout seems non-functional.
Are there any other suggestions I can try to get it working?

Any help appreciated

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  11:55:23  
Hi, as a test, you might try removing the

<script src=""

from the page to be sure there is no conflict there.


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  14:35:21  

Thanks, I did remove the sysnetgs compliance script, but the cart checkout is still not there.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  15:53:52  
Hi, ok, you can put that back if you haven't already.
The only other thing I can think of is the main admin setting URL for http and https, and I think you checked that already.
Perhaps Vince will have more ideas, but I think I've exhausted mine without digging into the server and/or files myself.

Vince should be along shortly.

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