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New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  16:50:38  


I will email Vince a six-pack if he can help me out.
I turned gray/grey in the past week...


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  16:52:21  

I will email Vince a six-pack if he can help me out.


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  17:25:52  
No joy yet.
I found one problem, and when I fixed it, I am back to the big problem..
The cart Stops the hosting server IIS pool.

Problem was:
My URLs were both set to
I added the www
and then the checkout seem to run,
But that causes the IIS Application Pool to stop. I then have to restart it, and the cart runs again, until I click Checkout, same problem, over and over and over..
The hosting company said they can increase that by 250MB for extra money.
So I am trying to see if they can do it, for a test...

This is getting to the point where this is not workable....

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  19:35:00  
Maybe this is crazy talk, but have you given any thought to using a better host? I've been following the sorry take of woe in this thread, in addition to these two threads:

and it seems like the host broke your site and has left you alone in the wilderness to fix it. That's where it's really helpful to have a host that understands your needs, how your cart works, that can get the site running and keep it running. Saving a couple of dollars on fees is little consolation when the site is broken for a week or more, their outsourced support is ineffective and you waste hours and days struggling to make repairs.

We have a free rescue service that will guarantee the site will be back up, all fixed and tidied up, in the latest ECT version and left running happily on our servers the same day. Plus you get to keep more of your hair. Might be worth considering


Professional ecommerce web hosting services
Shared hosting Windows & Linux | Dedicated servers | Domains | SSL
Ecommerce Templates specialists since 2003

Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  19:58:07  
I will second what Peter said.

I was having horrible problems with my existing hosting services prior to moving it over to Servelink.

Once moved all is good. I don't have to worry about it anymore.


New Member

55 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2020 :  20:02:23  
1) I will consider your suggestion
I know I it is a boring sob story to others, but, ECT has been running great a number of years without problems.

2) The cart was running fine, until My hosting company TMD had a server crash, so all my sites were down for a week, no email, no cart..
I signed up for another hoster, where all my woes started..
I desperately switched to my Hostgator account, since I have them as well...but their Plesk is older, and I could not control the 32-bit app setting, with the new 64bit DB string.
So I jumped back to Accuweb..
Problem is the NS server pointers need to be switched every time, so...
I tried uploading to a another site of mine, but when I get to the checkout, something causes it to redirect back to the original site, where the NS pointer is..

So I am just up the creek. Wondering if I should put static code on a site that links to my Amazon items.

Any help appreciated


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2020 :  03:29:36  
Hi again,
it's not generally so problematic getting a store up and running but if you do go with servelink it makes it easier for us as if there are any problems, we can deal directly with them to resolve them for you.


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