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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2020 :  06:15:49  
Hi I use a template from dreamweaver that I have just updated. It works perfectly in my website except on the shop pages where the aspect ratio has been stretched you can see this here,

Shop pages,

Correct website pages,

Can you tell me how to fix this please?

Many thanks, Claire.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2020 :  07:28:59  
Hi Claire
Do you mean that header image with shop / gallery / testimonials / etc? If so the height has been changed from 30 (as on the home page) to 20 and that is causing the aspect ratio to stretch.


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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/07/2020 :  07:59:33  
Yes, but how do i stop it stretching on the shop pages and not on my other web pages?

Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2020 :  23:04:30  
Hi - Can someone respond to this please? I need to know how to fix it asap, as it currently looks unprofessional? The menu buttons are distorted when the template is applied to the shop pages but not the rest of my website.

Thank you.

Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/08/2020 :  23:06:34  
I haven't set the height to 20 on the shop pages? I simply change and apply my template in dreamweaver. The "active content" ie the shop should automatically fit in the edit region not distort the template? Please advise.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2020 :  00:20:06  
Hi Claire
I get this in the source...

<img src="../New%20Website%20Images%20May%2008/menu%20buttons%202019.jpg" width="1000" height="20" usemap="#Map4" border="0">

On the home page it is this...

<img src="New%20Website%20Images%20May%2008/menu%20buttons%202019.jpg" width="1000" height="30" usemap="#Map" border="0">

Changing the height to 30 seems to restore the correct aspect ratio.


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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2020 :  02:00:20  
Hi Vince,

I don't think you quite understand. The template I am using for the shop and the rest of the website is the SAME which I have applied to my whole website. The template has the correct image. I apply the template in dreamweaver and it successfully applied to my entire website, including the shop pages and it should look like this,

The SAME image and template has been applied to the shop pages but looks like this,

[The home page uses a different template but the SAME image]

The template should not be able to change with the shop coding this should sit in the edit region without changing the template.

Please help! Thank you.


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/09/2020 :  02:53:35  
Hi Claire
As you say, it's not in an editable region so really, there is no reason that the two pages should be different. It's also strange one has the reference to the image at ../New..etc. Could you try maybe making a change like save the image as say...
Then upload that to your site. Then change the template to reference the new location and see what pages change and how.


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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  03:28:01  
Thank you Vince, this has appeared to have fixed it, not sure why? If you could enlighten me so that I can learn from it, that would be great.

Also since I have updated my shop to the new version, I have a double colon "::" before the price on my products page.

I have looked in both ectstyle and the products.php files and can't find where to delete the second colon?

Can you let me know where I can delete it?

Many thanks


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  04:20:47  
Hi Claire
The colon after the price is set in the ectcart.css style sheet as an "after" selector. But it seems that you also have the "xxPrice" set to include a colon. Can you check the includes.php file for xxPrice and also, check to see if you have make custom changes to the languagefile_en.php file.

While we're here, to make this page look better...

...I would add this rule to your ectstyle.css style sheet.

img.catimage {
max-height: 160px;


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Ecommerce Template Guru

1018 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  05:36:13  
But it seems that you also have the "xxPrice" set to include a colon.
Yes Vince, which is why we really do not need the colon in the “after” selector at all. Therefore, do you agree that ectcart.css entry should be removed?


Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  05:46:28  
Hi Vince,

I couldn't find the additional colon in the "includes php" The only colon i have found is in the language file, see code below

$GLOBALS['xxListPrice']='<div class="origprice">List Price: <span class="liststrike">%s</span></div>';

should I delete the colon after the list price above? I don't want to wreck everything...

Thank you very much for the code for the categories page it makes it look much much better, much appreciated :)

Thank you.

Kind regards, Claire.

Edited by - ClaireArt on 10/12/2020 05:48:23

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  07:25:40  
Hi Claire,
Can you add the following to your ectstyle.css file

content:" ";

That should sort out the double colon

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42874 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  08:03:26  
Yes Vince, which is why we really do not need the colon in the “after” selector at all. Therefore, do you agree that ectcart.css entry should be removed?
The idea was to move these "stylistic" elements to the style sheet and that way they can be removed by CSS if required. Unfortunately the change to remove the colon in the code was missed so didn't make it into the updater but that's where it should be removed and I've made the change now in the v7.2.3 incfunctions.php file.

Can you add the following to your ectstyle.css file

content:" ";

That should sort out the double colon
That will remove the colon if you do as Phil recommends. But when you do eventually update there will be no colon at all. If I were you I would get a new copy of the incfunctions.php from the updater.


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Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  08:10:50  
Thank you Phil, that has fixed it! :)

Advanced Member

105 Posts

Posted - 10/12/2020 :  09:08:38  
Thank you Phil, that has fixed it! :)

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/13/2020 :  09:24:09  
That will remove the colon if you do as Phil recommends. But when you do eventually update there will be no colon at all. If I were you I would get a new copy of the incfunctions.php from the updater.

Hi Claire,
I think perhaps you should have taken Vince's advice above but if you wish to leave things as they are just remove that addition to the ectstyle.css when you next update.

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