As it is they are checking out as a guest if they are not being forced to create an account prior to purchase. Also if a logged in customer logs out, they are still able to view their cart contents and even checkout as a guest still if required.
When at the checkout, they get the options at the top as buttons to "Login into account" " Create Account", whats the best way to add some text to say "or continue below to checkout as guest" as its not clear to the customer that they can checkout without needing an account
Hi Jason If there is any of the text you want to change then just look in the languagefile_en.php and search for that text. In this case you find... $GLOBALS['xxCreAcc']='Create New Account'; $GLOBALS['xxLogAcc']='Login to Account'; Then add these to your includes.php file with the changes (instead of modifying the languagefile directly which gets overwritten by updaters.) $GLOBALS['xxCreAcc']='Create New Account'; $GLOBALS['xxLogAcc']='Login to Account (Optional)';
The changes I gave you previously were for the text for the checkout button.