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 Coupon / Discount Box Distraction
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Advanced Member

231 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2020 :  12:44:54  
I'm watching each of our customers checkout process real time and I see people get hung up on the coupon/discount box, a lot. I can tell they reach that part in the checkout process and then bail from the site to go find a coupon code somewhere. This is probably costing sales for some, as they can't find a coupon code on a random site and they don't complete their transaction. If the coupon box wasn't there in the first place, they may have not even thought to leave the site in search of a coupon and they may have a better chance of finishing their order. I don't want to completely turn this box off, as I do use it for people entering in a coupon code they were sent from abandon carts. Is there a way to remove this box from the second cart page or do something else so it's not so in your face asking for a coupon code while checking out? Thank you.

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2020 :  12:51:38  
The only two things that I can think of are

1. Remove discount coupon feature

To remove the discount and coupon function choose

2. Hide the discount or coupon text

To remove the discount and coupon text that appears on category and product pages

Egerton Village, Bolton, UK

Edited by - 1818charlie on 11/13/2020 12:52:19

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2020 :  13:07:08  
It may be best to see the page, but you should be able to hide the "2nd box on page two of checkout" with css.

What we did was alter the text (languagefile entry) for the coupon and make a link to our own discount codes page and that way customers can stay on the site to find (current) codes.

We got tired of these coupon code sites (harvesting data) and the potential that they may send a customer to our competitor.
Now when you search the web for "company name coupon codes" we rank number one for that term.

Control your own destiny whenever possible!


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2020 :  13:23:51  
Thinking about this wouldn't it possibly be a better idea for discount / coupons only to be available to a customer who has a login? That way the discount / coupon input box on cart wouldn't actually be visable at all until logged in, thus removing the temptation for a customer to slither off searching for codes.

Control your own destiny whenever possible!
Yep, I'm 100% for that one!

Egerton Village, Bolton, UK

Ecommerce Template Guru

1916 Posts

Posted - 11/13/2020 :  17:59:29  
If I am not mistaken, as long as their is an active coupon regardless what or whom it is for, the box will appear. If there are no active coupons, there will be no coupon field.

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