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Posted - 12/27/2020 : 13:25:09
Good evening all,
I would like to add a commodity code to each product through the admin page. Is there an easy way of doing this such as adding a custom field?
Many thanks in advance.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
42872 Posts |
Posted - 12/27/2020 : 23:41:09
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Posted - 12/28/2020 : 14:00:58
Thank you Vince, a commodity code is a number allocated to certain product types for exporting, importing and completing customs forms. To make life easier for myself I can allocate these to my site saving time and effort in the long run. I would also like to include this when printing invoices if it is at all possible?
Regards and thank you again.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
Ecommerce Template Guru
1916 Posts |
Posted - 12/28/2020 : 17:52:23
Can you use the SKU field in the product admin?
Marshall CENLYT Productions - ms designs Affordable Web Design Custom Ecommerce Designs Responsive Websites
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Posted - 12/29/2020 : 02:42:25
Thank you for your response.
I was thinking that but can I change the name from SKU to Commodity Code? If so how would I do this.
Many thanks Tim
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
42872 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 02:53:45
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Posted - 12/29/2020 : 03:12:09
Thank you Vince, that worked.
Just one final thing, can I now get it to print on the invoice?
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
John M
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459 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 05:00:43
Commodity codes are Harmonised Customs Codes and are shared globally by countries for every exporter to use.
They have special meaning and absolutely cannot be used to replace the SKU/GTIN or the reference number otherwise you will be selling Commodity codes instead of motor parts!
You must use a custom field then print this onto the invoice along with the reference number, SKU/GTIN, description, quantity, price and total. You also need your EORI number somewhere on the invoice. This is the only way customs works smoothly.
If you implement what Vince and Marshall has said on the front end of your website it will be like driving it off a cliff. You could however do it only on the backend (secondary vsadmin folder) so that it only shows up on the invoices.
Edited by - John M on 12/29/2020 10:21:53
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Posted - 12/29/2020 : 05:10:46
Thankyou John
I have the EORI number and this is shown on my invoice but don't use SKU numbers, only Part Numbers.
As you can see from the link below it shows the commodity code (which replaces the SKU). I just need to get it to print on the invoice.
Many thanks again
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
Edited by - TJM on 12/29/2020 05:11:41
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 12/29/2020 : 08:38:03
Anybody able to advise how I can get the SKU to print after the part number on my invoices?
Many thanks again.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
ECT Moderator
65937 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 09:02:12
Hi Tim, google uses the schema of a item as part of the structured data currently the Ferodo DS2500 Front Brake Pad does show what you want but the schema property is showing as <span itemprop="sku">1234</span> just thought I'd mention that. You might want to try one with the custom field method and use the sku for sku/mpn/isbn Winners never quit, quitters never win CSS and Responsive DesignsUser Manual for Ecommerce Templates
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Posted - 12/29/2020 : 13:20:20
Have followed advise and changed to custom label by including the following in the includes.pgp folder:
$detailcustomlabel1="Commodity Code:"; $admincustomlabel1="Commodity Code:";
I have then added customlabel1 to:
$detailpagelayout='navigation,productimage,productname,discounts,price,listprice,currency,' . (@$_SESSION['clientLoginLevel']==5 ? 'instock,' : '') . ',reviewstarslarge,shortdescription,options,quantity,addtocart,productid,customlabel1,manufacturer,dateadded,description,previousnext,searchwords,socialmedia,reviews';
This gets me the following layout on the detail page:
Apologies for all the questions, trying to learn but struggling to get there.
Many thanks in advance.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
Edited by - TJM on 12/29/2020 13:20:52
ECT Moderator
10465 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 13:49:12
quote: $detailpagelayout='navigation,productimage,productname,discounts,price,listprice,currency,' . (@$_SESSION['clientLoginLevel']==5 ? 'instock,' : '') . ',reviewstarslarge,shortdescription,options,quantity,addtocart,productid,customlabel1,manufacturer,dateadded,description,previousnext,searchwords,socialmedia,reviews';
I believe that should be custom1 and not customlabel1 there, David
Edited by - dbdave on 12/29/2020 13:52:23
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United Kingdom
398 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 14:10:34
Thank you again,
I have changed to custom1 but it doesn't show in product detail page and it doesn't show in the admin product page, I assume this is where I would put the information in to show on the detail page?
Many thanks again.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
ECT Moderator
10465 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 14:20:04
Is it possible you have the $detailpagelayout parameter defined in the proddetail.php page itself and if so, that will override what's in includes.
You do need to have that in your includes for it to show in the admin, but some designs are using that parameter in the detail page itself too. Really it's probably best to just have it in the includes only.
If you have a secondary admin, then be sure to add it to the includes there.
You still need this in the includes if you want the custom labels to show, $detailcustomlabel1="Commodity Code:"; $admincustomlabel1="Commodity Code:";
Thanks, David
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United Kingdom
398 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 15:23:35
Hello David
Doesn't seem to be included in the proddetail.php page.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
ECT Moderator
10465 Posts |
Posted - 12/29/2020 : 15:40:09
Ok, can you post up what you have in the includes for (be sure to check for duplicates for these three as well).
$detailpagelayout $detailcustomlabel1 $admincustomlabel1
Thanks, David
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
398 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/30/2020 : 03:26:43
I have the following:
$detailpagelayout='navigation,productimage,productname,discounts,price,listprice,currency,' . (@$_SESSION['clientLoginLevel']==5 ? 'instock,' : '') . ',reviewstarslarge,shortdescription,options,quantity,addtocart,productid,custom1,manufacturer,dateadded,description,previousnext,searchwords,socialmedia,reviews';
$detailcustomlabel1="Commodity Code "; $admincustomlabel1="Commodity Code ";
No duplicates in includes.php or proddetail.php.
Thank you again.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport
Edited by - TJM on 12/30/2020 03:28:52
John M
Advanced Member
459 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 12/30/2020 : 04:27:38
Do you use a separate vsadmin folder for your admin login?
Here is the code to add to the invoice:
Save this function below to a new include file e.g. vsadmin/inc/inccommoditycode.php
[code] function commoditycode(){ global $pCustom1,$rsOrders; $sSQL="SELECT pCustom1 FROM products WHERE pID='" . $rsOrders['cartProdId'] ."'"; $result2=ect_query($sSQL) or ect_error(); if($rs2=ect_fetch_assoc($result2)) $pCustom1=($rs2['pCustom1']); print " / " . $pCustom1 . '</span>'; }[/code]
In the incorders file at the top just below the //Author add the file you created above.
[code]include "inc/inccommoditycode.php";[/code]
then search for the line: if($doedit || $isprinter) print editspecial($rsOrders['cartProdId'],'prodid' . $rowcounter,18,'AUTOCOMPLETE="off" onkeydown="return combokey(this,event)" onkeyup="combochange(this,event)"'); else print ($rsOrders['cartProdId']!=$giftwrappingid?'<a href="' . $thelink . '" target="_blank">':'') . htmlspecials($rsOrders['cartProdId']) . ($rsOrders['cartProdId']!=$giftwrappingid?'</a>':''); just below this line add
This will add your commodity code to invoice/packing slip and also show on the screen.
Edited by - John M on 12/30/2020 04:37:33
Advanced Member
United Kingdom
398 Posts Pre-sales questions only (More Details...)
Posted - 01/14/2021 : 07:03:17
Apologies for not replying sooner John, been isolating. Many thanks for your response again.
Tim Jones TJ Motorsport