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Posted - 03/24/2021 :  05:39:12  
Since updater 7.2.6 when I place products in the cart then go to checkout, login, edit billing address, shipping stays same as billing, checkout and I'm returned to the home page with the cart still full.... It will not allow me to change the billing address and checkout. Help

Edited by - espinner on 03/24/2021 07:38:29


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2021 :  06:53:58  
Hi Espinner
It does seem that whatever I do when I checkout I get sent to the home page. Could you try looking to see if you have a .htaccess file with any rules that could be causing this. If that doesn't help then please send the site FTP login to my email (vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com) and I'll investigate.


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ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2021 :  07:55:11  
Another idea is to check to see what you have set in the admin>main settings to see what you have set there for the store address.



42874 Posts

Posted - 03/26/2021 :  11:47:28  
Hi David
I've done some checking on this and I see what is happening but I'm afraid I don't have a solution as yet. I've put a test script on your site called "t.php" which illustrates the problem. All this script does is "POST" to any page that exists, I've used the thanks.php page as an example but the page isn't important. But if the script posts a parameter called "name" then a "301 Moved Permanently" is thrown which forwards to the home page. Can you ask your host if they have any security software installed, or if there are any server settings that might have caused this?


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Posted - 03/29/2021 :  09:28:21  
this point our host, Bluehost, indicates there have not been any changes. Could the be anything to do with Wordpress?


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2021 :  13:21:27  
I tried disabling the .htaccess file and the same problem occurs so that really takes wordpress out of the equation too. My bet really is that there is security software on the site which checks for that value "name" and throws this 301 if it finds it. Do you have a control panel through which you can enable / disable things like this?


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