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 Removing BRAND from Side Filter Bar
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Ecommerce Template Guru

2807 Posts

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Posted - 04/02/2021 :  08:47:18  

I have a site where all the products are from a single supplier so there is currently no need offer to filter by brand. I know I can remove the BRAND on the product record, but then Google Merchant asks for the brand.

So is there a way to remove it from the side bar filter in the admin area of the cart?

Thank you!


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2021 :  09:53:35  
Hi Bill, when you say brand, I expect you mean the manufacturer.
This is always the first of the attributes and I hide this too.
It's different for the top filer bar than it is for the side filter.
I use both filters, so I hide them with the following css

#ectpatgrp0 {display: none;}
#scri1 {display: none;}

Of course, you can combine those like so...
#ectpatgrp0, #scri1 {display: none;}


Edited by - dbdave on 04/02/2021 09:54:03


42874 Posts

Posted - 04/03/2021 :  04:59:39  
Hi All
The first "Product Attribute" is normally called the brand or manufacturer as it is normally the brand or manufacturer but really it can be anything. Also, it is optimized so pulling results from this first attribute will be a bit faster, and it's done that way as this is often the one that is assigned to all products and is most heavily employed. So I wouldn't hide it, but rather use it for your most heavily used attribute.


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Ecommerce Template Guru

2807 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 04/05/2021 :  09:32:30  

Your tip worked like a charm!


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/05/2021 :  13:00:29  

Ecommerce Template Guru

United Kingdom
1283 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2021 :  07:28:01  
Can you tell me exactly where I need tp put this code to get this to work please as I too would like to hide the manufacturer attribute.

Sorry, I really can't get my head around css and how it all works, I've tried to put the code you supplied in several places with no effect so I'm obviously doing it wrong! lol

(I'm using the side filter it that makes any difference).

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2021 :  15:37:32  
Hi Gem, "css" is short for cascading style sheet and there are several ways to use it, but most often, it's in an external (.css) file that is linked from your pages.
So you want to locate your css file and you can add it at the top of the page there.
You probably have several css files linked to your pages and one of them is the ectcart.css file.
Do not add it to that one.
You want to add it to your sites css file and often that is named something like style.css

Add it to the top of the page and upload to the server and that should do it.
You may need a hard refresh of your browser ctrl-F5 to see the changes online.



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2021 :  23:06:53  
Hi Gem
A good CSS file to add this to would be...


However, saying that I see that all the products are created by you so you are the only manufacturer, and that is why you want to remove it. However at the same time the manufacturer doesn't actually have to be a "manufacturer" and can be any attribute at all. (But it does have to be a unique attribute in that say you used the product colour, it couldn't be both Blue and Red.) What I would do is only have one product attribute and for that to be the Jewellery Type. Then you don't have to hide anything.


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