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 Store front but not allow sales
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New Member

95 Posts

Posted - 10/27/2021 :  23:22:17  
Yes I have a very different customer!

I had the store all setup and working as expected. Now they are telling me they do not want to do any shipping and make the customer pickup the order at the office.

I am not sure why they actually want an online store then, seems like making sales at the counter via the shopping cart is odd as the store employee will have to do all the work (more work) anyway.

Is it possible to use my store to display all items just like I do now but not allow sales via the website?

I am assuming I just remove the "Add to cart button" from the details page and Remove the "Quick Buy" button ???

Tell me what I am missing and has anyone else done this?, it will actually be used to browse items and track inventory...

I know a crazy one, or at least I think so!

Thanks in advance for any assistance and jokes welcomed!

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2021 :  01:19:22  
Hi Michael,
Yes that can easily be done by adding the following line to your vsadmin/includes.asp

Removing buy and checkout buttons

You can simply eliminate the buy and checkout buttons as well as the price for all products, this is done by choosing

Do make sure those lines are not already present and set to false

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Edited by - Phil on 10/28/2021 01:21:10


42874 Posts

Posted - 10/28/2021 :  01:27:36  
But it sounds like they actually want to take orders, no? And which they wouldn't be able to do with the buy and checkout buttons removed. If they do want to actually take orders then just go to the admin main settings page and set shipping to "No shipping" and then follow the previous instructions about "Will Pickup"...
I think what you need is the Will Pickup option as here...
Couple that with the "Email" payment provider option which you can label as "In Store Payment" for instance.


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