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Ecommerce Template Expert

531 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2021 :  12:20:17  
I still need to tweak out a couple more things that were working properly before I switched to the Wordpress cart.

1) The order notification email that I get, used to say "Order #1234 - Customer Name". That was helpful to me when I would have to forward the order to a supplier. Now it just says "Order at your store". I tried changing the includes.php file with the following line, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

$GLOBALS['OrdStr']="Drop Ship Order #%orderid% - %ordername%";

2) Is there a way to eliminate the "Additional Information" box that allows customers to put in extra information on the checkout page? I've found that customers frequently use this to put in superfluous instructions for the shipping company, like where to leave the box, etc. and that simply does not get transmitted to the different shippers!

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2021 :  01:13:56  
Hi Cherie

1. Can you try it like this: $GLOBALS['xxOrdStr']='Drop Ship Order #%orderid% - %ordername%';

2. Add this to your vsadmin/includes.php: $GLOBALS['noadditionalinfo']=TRUE;

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42874 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2021 :  03:36:08  
Thanks to Phil for that but as it happens, for this one...
Add this to your vsadmin/includes.php: $GLOBALS['noadditionalinfo']=TRUE;
...for this parameter to work with WordPress there is a small change that is necessary in the inccart.php file and I've done that now and uploaded the changes in the new updater.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

531 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2021 :  06:57:31  
Hello Phil & Vince, sorry for not checking back sooner. Somehow I missed that you'd responded on this.

I employed the recommended changes. The Order notification email's subject line is back to what I had before, thanks.

The Additional information box is still showing at checkout, however. Also, when I went to do some product administration, I found that the Froala html editor I'd uploaded was not showing in the admin area. I checked the vsadmin folder's includes.php file, and the line $GLOBALS['htmleditor']="froala"; was there. Curiously, when I checked the renamed admin folder's includes.php file it was missing. (It must have been there originally, since the editor was working at some point.) I added it back, but unfortunately it's still not showing in my product admin area - just the raw code for the product descriptions. On top of that, the Admin panel is grinding HORRIBLY slowly! I've never seen it so slow. What have I done wrong?

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
7715 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2021 :  07:39:30  
The Additional information box is still showing at checkout,

Have you upload the latest version of the vsadmin/inc/inccart.php file from the updater as according to Vince he's made changes to it.

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Ecommerce Template Expert

531 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2021 :  07:50:22  
Hmmm, I may have misunderstood what Vince said in his reply. He's made a number of changes directly on my site while I was struggling with it, and I thought he meant that he'd done that again. But perhaps not. But my admin panel says I'm running 7.3.4 and no new versions available, so I thought he'd updated it.


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2021 :  14:58:55  
Hi Cherie
I hadn't actually updated your site with this change, no. Just get a new copy of the updater though and copy the inccart.php script to your site and that should do the trick.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

531 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2021 :  06:57:03  
Thanks, Vince. The 7.3.4, or the 7.4.1?


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2021 :  11:38:29  
Hi Cherie
Well, whichever version you are currently using. That is, if you are on v7.3, get the v7.3 updater and copy the inccart.php. I've made the change in both lines of the updater you see.


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