A customer used some of the coupon so there is a balance. That balance doesn't show anywhere and the coupon now displays as 0 available. How can she use the balance? Should I have set it up differently? I can easily issue another for the balance but it was my understanding that it was automatic.
Hi LadyM I just tried a test with a Gift Certificate leaving a balance and in the admin Gift Certificate page you can see the certificate plus the amount remaining. I'm not sure what is going wrong on your site but if you want me to take a look, please send the login.
It's not the Gift Certificate, it's a coupon. Original amount was $80 credit, she spent $50 and there should be a $30 balance. Is it supposed to show a balance? If not, then I'll just reissue it for the balance.
Hi, coupons do not work like that. I suppose you set a minimum purchase less than the $80.00 and that's why it was allowed to be used. Coupons are typically a yes-or-no and there is no balance to track.
It sounds like the gift certificate feature would have been a better solution for what you wanted to do. At this point, I would issue the remaining $30.00 in the form of a gift certificate.