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Posted - 12/01/2021 :  14:03:28  

I'm using $absoptionpricediffs=TRUE; and would like to make some adjustments.


Inside the yellow is how it looks before a selection is made, inside the orange an item has been selected and the prices has been removed from that item. The green is what I would like it to look like.

So it is two things, 1: Remove the parenthesese and add a hyphen. 2: I would like the price to stay there even when selected.

Any pointer on how to do this.

Thank you, Josiah

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2021 :  15:11:21  
The default functionality is what you have in the green there - Showing the difference in price.
You have overrode that by adding $absoptionpricediffs=TRUE;
You can remove that to get what you have in green.
Although, the selected option will not have a price next to it as shown in your Orange example.

There is no feature to overcome that.


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Posted - 12/01/2021 :  16:12:40  
Hi David,

I changed the $absoptionpricediffs= to FALSE and nothing changed. I'm not sure why I was using it, it likely just copied over from an older version. So it is still yellow to orange.

Would you or someone else here be able to point me to where this code affecting the way these works is? I will take responsibility for not messing anything else up.

Thank you, Josiah

Advanced Member

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Posted - 12/01/2021 :  20:59:22  
Correction: I found two instances of $absoptionpricediffs=TRUE; in my file. So when I change it to FALSE and select an option, it then changes every other price to - or + the select options price. This is further away from what I'm needing.

If someone could kindly point me to where I could edit this I would greatly appreciate it.

Brazos Graphics
Building and Designing Custom Websites.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2021 :  06:11:10  
Hi, the only other available choice would be to hide the prices there, then just add the text (price difference) to your option choices manually.
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