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 UPS Negotiated rates for International
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Starting Member

35 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2021 :  08:01:15  
Good morning,

I am having an issue with our website shopping cart ( where customers in Great Britain are not seeing the right Shipping Estimate (our UPS Negotiated rate) on the first page of the Shopping Cart. In view-source, I can see that it receives the wrong shipping estimate:
"<div class="shippingtotal_cntnr" id="shippingtotal_cntnr"><div class="shippingtotaltext">Shipping Estimate</div><div class="shippingtotal" id="estimatorspan">$260.50<"

I double checked to see if it was for all international orders, but it was only for customers in Great Britain out of the 10 or so European countries I checked. Once the Great Britain customer puts in their information on the second page of the shopping cart, it shows the proper Negotiated Rates and the customer can check out with the proper charges.
Note: We created a dummy account using a Great Britain address and the problem appears on the dummy account as well.

Any ideas on why this could be occurring?



42874 Posts

Posted - 10/20/2021 :  12:55:50  
Hi Mike
I think the best thing to do would be to ask UPS and they are going to want the request and response XML. So can you set the following in your includes.php file...
...and then try getting a rate and then you should see the request and response on the cart page. Then take the parameter out quickly before any customers see it.
You need to copy and paste that XML in an email to UPS and hopefully they can tell us why it's not getting the correct rates.


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Starting Member

35 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2021 :  11:39:38  
Thanks for the information. I will try doing so and get word from UPS.
In regards to shipping charges, we did just have another issue with a customer from Japan. On 2 separate occasions, they have ordered from us and they have received the standard UPS rate, not the negotiated rate.
The curious part about this case is that I logged into his account using the ability to do so in our website, used the same exact information, but it came up with the negotiated rate despite the exact same information going out.
Any insight? I am thinking it may be another UPS issues at the moment.



42874 Posts

Posted - 12/03/2021 :  12:36:01  
Hi Mike
It does sound a bit strange but really, if you can't reproduce it now I would put it down to a UPS glitch. But if it does prove to be a problem add this to your includes.php file...
Then run through checkout and you should see the XML on the checkout shipping page. Then copy and paste that in an email to me and we can ask UPS about it. Then don't forget to take the parameter out again.


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