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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2021 :  10:52:17  

After updating to version 7.4.5 I've had customers claim they can't login even after resetting their password.

They get the error of "Hash Check Failed". I know doing a Ctrl + F5 (Hard Refresh) enables the login to work again but most people are not going to know to do that.

Anybody else having this issue?


Edited by - midvalleydrifter001 on 12/04/2021 12:32:58

Ecommerce Template Guru

1613 Posts

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Posted - 12/06/2021 :  08:26:22  
I installed on our 4 websites and had no issues on any.



42874 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2021 :  13:40:18  
Hi Patrick
The hash is based on the session id so this sounds like when your customers view the page a new user session isn't starting, and that is more than likely down to caching which would also explain why doing the Ctrl+F5 is sorting this out. If there is caching going on it's not going to be good for your site in general so is this something you could check out or ask your host to look in to for you?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2021 :  15:42:13  
Thanks for the insight Vince.

I have made the following adjustment in my .htacces file.

Is this acceptable?

<FilesMatch "\.(xml|txt|css|js)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, public"

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 12/08/2021 :  20:43:56  
No, that won't do anything to affect session id handling. It actually looks like you have a few cookie problems as the PHPSESSID seems to be getting mangled/lost in your code and the ectcartcookie is being sent in triplicate with differing values. I don't have a 7.4.5 store handy to compare, but I'm not seeing this on a stock 7.4.4 install.


Professional ecommerce web hosting services
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Ecommerce Templates specialists since 2003

Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2021 :  19:51:56  

Hi Peter,

I got the PHPSESSID working properly but I don't get the ectcartcookie on the following store. www (DOT)

Set-Cookie PHPSESSID=3pv71a2gg0l0fcpj82vh4qf5jr; path=/; secure; HttpOnly

My other store gets the PHPSESSID and (4) different ectcartcookie's. www (DOT)

Set-Cookie PHPSESSID=l4v3u3bgqac7hl8q9d8l0s2ln9; path=/; secure; HttpOnly

Set-Cookie ectcartcookie=b057bc8932e5544082e1d7334e; expires=Wed, 15-Dec-2021 02:32:58 GMT; Max-Age=432000; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie ectcartcookie=e08283d219f2493012efc60804; expires=Wed, 15-Dec-2021 02:32:58 GMT; Max-Age=432000; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie ectcartcookie=24db824bc5d2433103c5c32e9c; expires=Wed, 15-Dec-2021 02:32:58 GMT; Max-Age=432000; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie ectcartcookie=426caf8df68d2363dbb7084a5d; expires=Wed, 15-Dec-2021 02:32:58 GMT; Max-Age=432000; path=/; secure; HttpOnly

Both stores are running on ECT v7.4.5.001
PHP 8.0.13

Edited by - midvalleydrifter001 on 12/09/2021 20:16:22

ECT Moderator

4479 Posts

Posted - 12/09/2021 :  21:58:19  
I see you have got rid of that other mystery cookie you were setting and have PHPSESSID making an appearance now, so that's good. I do get the ectcartcookie, three times:
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=8l4l2eir66h6hairq7ng95eei2; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: ectcartcookie=56743d7b6244f0c5e4d678b029; expires=Sat, 11-Dec-2021 05:54:20 GMT; Max-Age=86400; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: ectcartcookie=e3da549003c06d382e23903eb5; expires=Sat, 11-Dec-2021 05:54:20 GMT; Max-Age=86400; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: ectcartcookie=6b9c2f6dfee5289fb21001519b; expires=Sat, 11-Dec-2021 05:54:20 GMT; Max-Age=86400; path=/; secure; HttpOnly

The other site I get the same as you.


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