Hello Everyone, I am trying to create a product called "samples". I would like a potential customer to select any or all from the 4 categories of vehicles they work on, such as this list:
Asian Vehicles Euro Vehicles USA Vehicles Heavy Trucks
As an Example: If they work on Asian, Euro and USA vehicles but not Heavy Trucks, I would like them to select the 3 vehicle types and not the heavy trucks. We could then package a sample pack for the vehicles they currently service and send to them. I hope this makes sense. How do I do this? I've been playing with various product options and I'm not getting there.
Just make each one a different radio option with one choice. Then it becomes a tick box and the customer can just tick the ones they want. So create 4 separate options and assign them all to the product.
Thanks David, They still are not showing up on the product detail page. https://www.weights.shop-supplies.com/proddetail.php?prod=Sample1 Am I forgetting something else? Includes? My brain is locked up.
I created the sub-domain using the database and files from the original site that does have product options on purchase qty. IE, 25 ct or 250 ct I used the same prod detail page. Except for this sample item I don't need them now.
Do you see options on the test site for the other products that have them? Being that you have disabled "right click", I cannot help too much. It's really just a matter a creating options, assigning them to the product, then being sure you have things set to display options on the detail page.