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 Checkout buttons after update
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
326 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2022 :  08:35:08  

Just updated one our sites to 7.3.8 and as usual lots of visual changes that I didnt ask for or want!

I have added in a separate css to try combat these issues as previously advised and for the most part its working. Except in my Safari browser version 12.1.2 on my imac that is still running MacOS Sierra 10.12.6 where all the checkout, login and buy buttons have gone and stayed blue??? Cold Wax Painting Medium

Other safari browsers on ipad and mac book pro with Safari version 14.1.2 is fine, the buttons are green like they are supposed to be.

Why is the older browser not seeing the green buttons like the newer ones please?? There must be others still using older browsers.

Just to prove a point I even changed the main ectcss to see if it fixed it and it didnt???


Edited by - Trabe on 01/28/2022 08:35:42


42874 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2022 :  09:45:41  
Hi Trace
Why is the older browser not seeing the green buttons like the newer ones please?? There must be others still using older browsers.
Safari caches really, really strongly so it may well be you just viewed the page in this browser previously. Try clearing the Safari cache (which you have to do in Settings -> Safari -> delete website data) and see if that helps.
Just updated one our sites to 7.3.8 and as usual lots of visual changes that I didnt ask for or want!
We do try to keep things looking the same across updates for the most part. However from time to time if we are going to improve things, changes inevitably need to be made. But thanks for your patience and hopefully the great new features in each updater make up for any inconvenience.


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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
326 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2022 :  12:51:47  
Hi Vince,

Many thank you's as always. Yes that worked a treat!
I didnt want to delete the entire browser cache but after what you said I found just the cache for that site and it worked perfectly.
I had another issue with the stacked up breadcrumb too but decided to give up on that on, as it was not that drastic, and hey presto that is fixed too.

I always come here when I'm disgruntled and angry when something isn't working so thank you again for your patience and time to explain and help me.

On a side note ( and I understand if you dont remember with all the people that you help) we have finally changed hosts and the email issues (that you said was the hosts fault and they blamed the you/the software) I was having with the order receipts/confirmation/dispatch emails not being sent out is I believe, fixed now too.

Thank you again.

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