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 Mailchimp Tags Question
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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2022 :  13:06:42  
Brand new to Mailchimp but we've got it all set up with our site. Basically, we want want to import our entire email list but have local people tagged so we can send targeted emails to them. As I understand it, I could create a list of local people via the email section in our site admin then import it to Mailchimp in a "local" list. Then, I could send the entire list to a second Mailchimp list. I would then have two lists to work with but the problem is, as far as Mailchimp is concerned, every email address on both lists is counted toward your monthly total even if there are duplicates.

Does anyone know if I can merge the two lists and, if so, if I add tags to the local list, will they be preserved in a merge or will the untagged ones from the larger list overwrite the tags?

Assuming I can get this to work on an initial upload, what's the best way moving forward to keep the list current and tagged correctly?

I'm not exactly sure what the "Add New Signups To This List" actually does. Does it add them automatically with no interaction or do I need to choose it every time? How would this affect my list/tag issue?

I feel like there is a simple solution to this but I'm not seeing it.


42872 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2022 :  03:12:58  
Hi DavidX
Hopefully someone who has more experience of actually using MailChimp will chip in here, but for this part of your question...
I'm not exactly sure what the "Add New Signups To This List" actually does.
This just means that when someone clicks the "sign up to mailing list" button, this is where their email ends up. You don't need to ever set it again.


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