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 Owner's Home Address Appears on Tracking Page
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Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2022 :  08:43:16  
To our horror, we discovered that since PayPal changed to the ShipStation interface (and assigned us a new UPS Shipper Number) on 2/24/2022, the Shipper Address in our tracking.php page now shows the owner's private home address (!) instead of our warehouse address that appears on each UPS label.

We've confirmed that the Ship From addresses in the PayPal / ShipStation screens are correctly set to our warehouse. The only way that PayPal knows the owner's private home address is because it's required information on their Account Owner Information page under Account Settings.

Knowing that PayPal / ShipStation support is almost nonexistent now, can anyone suggest a way to override the $shipperaddress that the tracking.php page gets from UPS, so that it shows either the correct Shipper Address on our labels, or hides that information entirely?

We're hoping for a solution that can continue to work after future Cart updates.

Thanks in advance for any ideas on this.

- Paul D.


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2022 :  04:38:00  
Hi Paul
You could try opening vsadmin/inc/inctracking.php in notepad and around line 589 just delete this block...

if(trim($shipperaddress)!=''){ ?>
<div class="ectdivcontainer">
<div class="ectdivleft">Shipper Address</div>
<div class="ectdivright"><?php print $shipperaddress?></div>
<?php }


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Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2022 :  05:09:45  
Vince, thanks so much for this workaround.

It will be interesting to see of ShipStation has an explanation as to why personal information made it into the public account information they've configured, and a fix. I'm not optimistic.

As noted in another thread, our new PayPal / ShipStation shipper number gives us UPS shipping rates that are nearly half-off what we paid previously - but with no way for customers to see accurate UPS rates in the cart.

Our current workaround is to configure our UPS admin to return Published (not negotiated) rates, and then discount those rates by the current average 47% savings we're getting off that Published rate using this line in includes.php:


It does appear that these lower UPS rates are resulting in higher sales.

Again, your help is much appreciated.


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2022 :  09:38:56  
Hi Paul
Assuming the cart has the correct shipper number, you could try dumping the XML request and response and I can give it a look to see if the actual rates are lurking in there somewhere. To do that set this parameter in the includes.php file...
Then also make sure you have negotiated rates set and try going through checkout to the shipping page. You should then get an email with the XML and if you could send that to me. Also please include in the email what you actually get for shipping and what you would expect to see.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 03/28/2022 :  09:48:59  

Unfortunately ShipStation won't supply a Rate Code and Access Key that we can use to query the new Shipper Number they've assigned us.

Therefore I'm assuming there's no possible way to query those new rates.


Edited by - pauld on 03/29/2022 15:24:41

Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 03/29/2022 :  15:09:49  
Vince, it's been very frustrating to communicate the issue to ShipStation support staff.

Could you please advise the name of the account field or variable (understood by UPS) in the UPS OnLine ToolsŪ Tracking system that vsadmin/inc/inctracking.php queries for the $shipperaddress data?

I'm hoping to relay this information to ShipStation personnel so they'll know where to find and remove the owner's private information that should not be there.

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

Edited by - pauld on 03/29/2022 15:24:03


42874 Posts

Posted - 03/30/2022 :  04:06:16  
Hi Paul
If you set $debugxmlemails=TRUE; parameter again and then try entering a tracking number on the tracking page you should again get an email with the XML request and response. Then just search for the address and copy them the XML block.


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