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 Stripe Checkout Cart Listing has Zero Item Prices
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Posted - 04/21/2022 :  11:45:42  
We are looking to switch to Stripe but are seeing the item-level breakdown in the user's checkout display with all individual cart items having "£0.00" prices against them (i.e. this is in the secure page hosted by Stripe, to the left of the card details fields).

(I should have added on my other post that I'm using the New SCA-Ready interface, and ECT v7.4.8)

E.g. :

Test Mode
Pay Pragmasis Limited

Cart Items Total
Shed Shackle (Standard (80mm) (Wooden Sheds Only), No Preference, for Wooden Sheds)
Double Doofer Removable Ground Anchor (SDS-Plus)

The cart total is correct, but the item-by-item prices are zero. This isn't a disaster, but it's obviously not quite right.

I see the same thing in Auth-Only and in Auth&Capture modes.

Thanks in advance for any help :-)


Pragmasis Limited


42853 Posts

Posted - 04/22/2022 :  00:06:29  
Hi Steve
It was a while ago when this Stripe integration was added, but I believe the issue was something to do with discounts in that it wasn't possible to specify a negative amount and this would leave the cart total as higher than the actual total and this would be a disaster. So the workaround was to set an absolute Cart Items Total and then make all line items zero. I just had a quick Google of the problem and it seems others are still facing the same issue a few months ago so I don't think Stripe are changing this.


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Posted - 04/22/2022 :  01:04:47  
Hi Vince,
Thanks. If it is a Stripe issue, I will raise it with them. I've found their Tech Support to be excellent. Discounts are very commonplace, obviously, so their line_items list should surely be able to cope with that. Both line-by-line +ve/-ve amounts and deltas, plus bottom-line discounts.
I'll bounce back to you if I get anything useful.


Pragmasis Limited

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Posted - 04/28/2022 :  02:00:09  
Hi Vince,

I've been looking into this with Stripe and the only way to provide negative amounts through their Checkout API looks to be to create a 'Coupon' and then link that to the session. Even that mechanism presently only supports a single coupon so it may be too limited even so?

Coupons allow you to do percentage-off as well as fixed amount discounts.

I did try tweaking the code to pass accurate item-level prices but, as you said, that would give numbers that don't add up when a discount is in effect so could cause more confusion than just having them at 0. The Stripe guys suggest not even listing the individual items but that is nice and especially with the images present, too.

All in all, uneless you think the Coupon approach is worthwhile then it's probably sensible to leave this as-is for now.



Pragmasis Limited


42853 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2022 :  03:02:24  
Hi Steve
As I mentioned, it was a while ago but I think the problem was it wasn't just a case of creating a coupon with a negative amount, but rather you had to create a coupon in the system first and then reference it. That meant that a few sales later your stripe account was full of coupons, of which there was a limit that wasn't all that high so in the end you would get an error.


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Posted - 04/28/2022 :  03:25:10  

Good point, indeed. I will bounce that back to them as it may give them a little impetus to do something better inline for individual orders.

Their system seems perhaps a bit more oriented towards limited customers making repeat purchases. I'm a little wary that the way it is working with ECT, now, is creating new Customer objects and they will build up as well. Potentially that is beneficial as individual customers can save their deails and have that pre-populated automatically in the checkout, but it looks a little messy with me getting lots of versions of 'me' while I've been testing. Their API does allow us to stop Customers being created if we want but that will hopefully not be necessary.

Thanks again,


Pragmasis Limited

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Posted - 05/09/2022 :  13:57:57  
Hi again Vince,

I bounced this Coupons thing off their Tech Support and they said it is not viable to create a Coupon inline, and we wouldn't want to anyway.

They recommended just passing the cart total, only, to the Checkout but that is a bit lame when we can do more (and you already have).

It occurred to me that discounts are only rarely used so how about we do pass the accurate item-by-item prices _unless_ there is a discount applied, in which case we revert to what you are doing now? That'd mean that we have a much better checkout experience for e.g. 90% of customers (as only a minority use discounts).

(It looks like you're already doing the item-by-item pricing for PayPal Express, I've just noticed.)

Also, would you be willing to add something like the following to the Checkout payment_intent_data to provide a much more helpful listing in the Stripe Dashboard:

// ****SB Stripe PaymentIntent Description not specified so Dashboard Payments listing shows req_id only
// Now passed as Order Id, plus customer's billing name
$sXML.='&payment_intent_data[capture_method]=' . ($ppmethod==1?'manual':'automatic') .
'&payment_intent_data[description]=' . $orderid . ', ' . $ordName . ' ' . $ordLastName .
'&billing_address_collection=auto' .

As it is now, the Dashboard only shows their gooky req_id values, which forces you to drill down into each order to find out which one corresponds to which cart id or customer. Passing both of them as their 'description' field means the Dashboard is far easier to use.



Pragmasis Limited

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 05/17/2022 :  11:14:02  
Hi Vince,

Did you have any thoughts on the above, please?



Pragmasis Limited
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