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 Product Additional Sections Question
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Starting Member

26 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2022 :  12:19:41  
Is there a way to add a product to an entire section. For instance I have a section Game Specific (can't add product), under that is the Manufacturer (can't add product), and under that would be Specific Games (can add product here). If I wanted to add a product to every game under say a certain manufacturer is that possible?


ECT Moderator

10455 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2022 :  13:03:28  
When you add a product to a sub category, technically it is added to the category higher up in the tree.
You just need to access it with the correct URL if you want to show those products.

If you are using the breadcrumb trail on your category pages, you will see the (all products) there. Clicking that shows all products in the sub categories under that category.
So you can create links to those and put them in your menu or wherever you like.

As an example, check this page on the demo store -
You can see there are three sub categories there.
Clicking "All Products" in the bread-crumb, and you see all products under those categories

You can also see the only difference in the URL is categories has just changed to products.


Edited by - dbdave on 05/02/2022 13:10:38

Starting Member

26 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2022 :  14:00:52  
I probably didn't state well what I need. If I'm adding a product and that product needs to be added to say 100 separate Game Title categories (Additional Sections) but all those game title categories fall under a primary category like Manufacturer Name, do I still have to add each individual game title category as an Additional Section on the product management page or can I add it to all the Game Title categories that are under a certain Manufacture Name category.

I see two issues if I have to add them to each game title manually. The first is there is a large number of game title categories it must be added to and it's easy to miss one or more, and this takes a huge amount of time. The second is if I add other game titles that this product should be under at a later date, I have to remember to edit the product and add the game titles to the additional sections.

I hope this makes a bit more sense.


ECT Moderator

10455 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2022 :  18:28:59  
Hi Frank, I am not sure I entirely understand. Partly, the "manufacturer category"
I'm not sure if you are referring to the attributes, or if you've created your own manufacturer category.

In any case. it sounds like you may not be familiar with some great features.
First, there is a CSV utility where you can download your products, enter categories and upload the changes.
This can be a great way to do bulk changes.

The other is the quick entry utility.
When you list a batch of products in the admin, over on the left, select "additional sections" to quickly assign products to secondary categories quickly.

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