On May 15th the emails i normally receive for order confirmations stopped sending to my email.
I checked and they are not in spam or deleted folders. Ive checked and there are no filters that are being used for this.
I've also tested the review product feature that uses the same email address,it is working with reviews. It seems something is wrong with the order confirmation part or the site. Can you help?
Yes I did and they said everything seems fine. I also did test sends of emails to and from using the store email address and it works fine. Its only a problem when the site is sending an email.
Hi Steven Well then, did anything change on the site when the problems started occurring? If not then it really may well be down to the host, even though they say everything is fine.
Vince I have someone that checked at the host, they said emails are being bounced due to too long of text coming from the website. "message has lines too long for transport DT=0.000s"
Im not sure what this means since I haven't changed anything. Any thoughts?
I found one response, but I don't know where I would put it on the site.
I had this problem and found it was the length of the body of the email. Using HTML emails, the issue of going longer than 70 characters, is quite easy. I wrote a blog on it to explain. In short add this line to your php code:
Hi Steven Try going to the ECT Admin -> Email Messages and look at what you have for the emails that are not arriving. Add newlines where you can, and if in HTML mode add newlines after closing DIV tags for instance. Then see if that helps.
I found another answer and its been tested and so far its working.
The most recent update gives you the option of changing the line length to a very large number, up to 1000000. You'll see the option listed in WHM >> Exim Configuration Manager under "Maximum line length for SMTP transports (Minimum: 1; Maximum: 1,000,000)"