There have been a few (2-3) incidents in the last week or so where orders that have been acted upon by ShipStation (after a partial shipment for instance) become impossible to update in the Order Status text and Private Order Status text boxes. Here is the error message:
WARNING: The status updates were not saved as this order has just been updated on another device. To view the updated status of this order please click here.
This sounds like a new feature where if you have an order open while someone else saves changes to the order (ship station in this case) and you try to make changes, you get the warning you mention. So is it possible you have the order details open on your screen while ship station is writing a tracking number to the order?
Hi David, thanks for the response. This is a permanent situation long after any changes have been made by ShipStation. The order is not open anywhere else when this error manifests.
Hi Roger Could you send the details of the order that is causing problem to my email (vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com) along with the site FTP login and I'll take a look.
Hi Roger I see the problem and it seems that it is caused by shipstation changing the carriage return / line feeds. I've made some changes so these are not taken into account and it should all be better now. I'll get the change into the updater but your site has the changes already.