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Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  09:47:33  
My client is going to start using FedEx for their shipping. They feel that most of the time they end up paying about 15% more than the rates after fees and things are added to their shipments. They asked if they could add a 15% handling charge to their products. The thing is they want it to be 15% added to the SHIPPING rate - not the cost of the item. Is this possible? If not, is there a better way to do this?


ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1201 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  11:28:18  
Hi Kelly

In the admin main settings under the shipping & handling scroll down & you have the option of a set amount or a &age. This will allow you to have a handling charge applied to all orders

Manchester UK

"Anything in life that is worth doing is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards"

Edited by - 1818charlie on 08/04/2022 11:30:17

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  11:31:27  
I see that. My question is - that 15% needs to be on the SHIPPING CHARGES only, not on the price of the order. Is that the way it works?

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1201 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  11:40:48  
This is how it looks on checkout

Manchester UK

"Anything in life that is worth doing is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards"

Ecommerce Template Guru

1333 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  11:48:18  
That doesn't answer my question -

Is the 15% added to the cost of the item being sold - as in an item is $100 with $10 shipping and this would make it now be $115 (15% of the cost of the item), plus $10 shipping?


Is the 15% added to the shipping cost - an an item is $100 with $10 shipping and this would make it now $100, plus $11.50 for shipping ($10 shipping, but $1.50 handling -- 15% of the cost of the shipping)?

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1201 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  11:59:45  
Is the 15% added to the cost of the item being sold

It's not added to the item. This is what it states in the manual 'The value specified in the admin will be added to the order total to cover handling costs.' As I understand it if there were 2 items @ £100 each & total shipping of £20 then that handling charge would be 15% of the order total of £220 making a handling of £33.

Apologies if I have misunderstood

Manchester UK

"Anything in life that is worth doing is worth overdoing, moderation is for cowards"

Edited by - 1818charlie on 08/04/2022 12:03:37


42896 Posts

Posted - 08/04/2022 :  12:36:01  
There is a parameter...
...which you can use to add a percentage amount to the FedEx shipping cost. Can you try that as I think this is what you are looking for.


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