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 Order emails not sending most of the time
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Starting Member

18 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2022 :  13:07:47  
Since we upgraded to 7.5.2 on August 21, 2022, we have experienced an email issue. We receive the "Order at your store" email on about 10% of our orders, but that's all. We have checked with GoDaddy hosting, who checked their logs. When I gave them the time or a sale, they could tell me that an email was sent to our customer, and confirmed the email address, so I known it was accurate. That log entry should have been followed by an email being sent to me, notifying us of the sale. The vast majority of the time it was not there. I gave them the times of the few emails we received, and they confirmed each was listed in the log and they even told me the email address of the customer in each preceding log entry. I tried changing from php mail() to smtp, but that didn't make any difference.

Also, when I open an order for which I did NOT receive an automatic email, and click to 'resend email' and select 'Order at your store', nothing ever comes through. But, when I open an order for which I DID receive an automatic email, and click to 'resend email' and select 'Order at your store', I receive the email. It's almost as if something has been flagged in the table, not to allow order emails on the particular order.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2022 :  01:20:55  
Hi Cynwhite
If the emails are in the SMTP server logs then it does seem that the email was sent, so wouldn't the idea be to follow up with GoDaddy as to why they are not arriving?
But one thing you can try in the meantime is set this parameter in your includes.php file...
Then try resending one of these emails that doesn't arrive and if there is any error from the SMTP server it will be listed on the page. If that shows anything, please let me know.


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Starting Member

18 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2022 :  05:56:09  
Only the emails to the customer show up every time in the SMTP server log - not the 'Order at your store' emails to me. There is no log of them except the times I actually receive them.

I enabled debugging and resent an email that I did not receive, and there was no error on the screen, and I did not receive the email.


42874 Posts

Posted - 08/29/2022 :  02:13:45  
Hi Cynwhite
Could you send the site FTP login details to my email (vince AT ecommercetemplates DOT com) and I'll see if I can dig in a bit and see what is happening. Can you include details about how to reproduce this (what order it is not working on etc.)


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Advanced Member

335 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2022 :  07:39:19  

Was there ever a resolution on this? I'm experiencing the same issue, also with Godaddy, and they are not able to figure out what's going on.



42874 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2022 :  06:17:09  
Hi Chris
I checked cynwhite's site and the email is getting to the SMTP server ok, or so it seems. We really need GoDaddy to look into why it's not getting from the SMTP server to the destination.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2022 :  16:00:16  
Im having a similar issue with Godaddy and Microsoft 365 and Ecommerce templates form mailer. My issue didnt start until September 16th and I didnt notice until now... when I was wondering why I had no orders/ emails...

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2022 :  17:10:58  
I have received this information from Godaddy:

The website and its form is working, however:

the server is being used to send SPAM emails and has been shut down. They recommend the following:

1 Scan all local computers which may access this account for the presence of malware, such as trojans, keyloggers, viruses, etc.

2 Update all logins associated with your account, using strong passwords, including: FTP, database, CPanel, and applications, etc.

3 Update and maintain all hosted applications and their add-ons (plugins, themes, widgets, modules, etc) with the most current, secure, versions.

4 Review all hosted content for malicious and unrecognized files, and clean/remove/replace content as necessary. (in my case this was a weak webform on client site)

5 Add a Captcha, or human verification method, to all submission style forms or comment sections that you have on any sites in the hosting. This includes any log in pages for CMS application or anything that has fields to enter content with a submission button of some type.

6 Advise us of what steps you have taken to secure the hosting and the steps you plan to take to prevent issues in the future.

I hope that this information helps others, I will go through these steps, as well as update the webform mail on a client site, and report back to see if that fixed the issue.

If others are having this issue with godaddy hosting, have them check to see if your server is spamming email out, then ask them which email address is being seen or referenced in the spam headers... it will help narrow down which form on which site has been affected, or at least where to find the injected code.

In my case I couldnt find any injected code, so I updated the site and hope that will rewrite the code as needed.

Any thoughts on this Vince?

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.


42874 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2022 :  01:20:12  
Hi Drivers
Yes, updating the site is a good start and also with the latest version there are even more areas where you can add reCAPTCHA to forms that send out emails. At the same time, if you have any example emails or email headers do please send them to me as that may give clues as to what is going on.


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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2022 :  09:20:43  
Ive been having the toughest time with godaddy, their support is good... but not good enough. Too many people reading scripts from computer screen and not enough real experience.

Part of email issue is that they turned off email capabilities from my account. They require captcha on all email forms to avoid spam.
I fixed those issues, and they turned email capabilities back on. Godaddy does NOT inform you if they have turned off your email capabilities, not even a courtesy email.

With email capabilities turned back on, I have been able to receive the email a friend email, but not the ask a question email. I do not know yet if I am not receiving order notifications. I ran a test order through but have not received the order confirmation email yet, however the test order does show in the admin. Sent two email a friend notifications and received one of those. Can you assist in what may be the issue here?

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2022 :  12:21:14  
Here is a question:

the template states it requires a valid email on the domain being used, it is possible to program a separate email using smtp somehow? example... template on, but email on


When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.


42874 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2022 :  08:16:47  
Hi Drivers
Yes, you can do that sure and the only reason that you need to use the same domain is that a lot of the sites here will be using the hosts SMTP server and this is a really common restriction on these setups. But you can use the SMTP server that you like as long as you have the URL, login, password, etc.


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