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Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2022 :  15:01:03  
At least its an emergency for me... the site is not sending order confirmations, email a friend, or ask a question anymore. No changes made on my end, just stopped emailing them all of a sudden today. Decided to update the store to current version, no change... store is updated, but I am not receiving any order confirmations. Cannot receive any inquiries either, without a payment made I have no communication with customers from the site. Can you help narrow down the cause?

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2022 :  15:51:35  
On the phone with godaddy hosting, MX records are correct, not blacklisted, nothing in place to stop emails from being sent (according to them)

Microsoft 365 is the email service. It also indicates settings are correct and there is nothing wrong with the email services.

Any emails sent from anywhere else and anyone else other than my ecommerce store works as it should.

Email worked up until 3 days ago, no changes were made by me, no updates to the store, no settings changed... decided to stop working because it felt like it.

I hope this additional information can help you help me narrow it down, I need my emails working ASAP

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2022 :  17:38:08  
Hi drivers, if nothing changed with the files on your server, we can likely rule out the ect shopping cart.
If you are with go daddy, then it's very high likelihood the problem is on their end.
You often have to insist on a higher level of support to get things fixed.

Searching the forum for the words "email godaddy" returns two pages of results, including a thread you just posted in.
I would keep pushing godaddy and I'm sure Vince will be along at some point and offer some assistance.

Be sure to checkout this page as well


Ecommerce Template Expert

890 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2022 :  08:24:40  
Thank you sir, I will read that page ;)

When it gets late at night, go to bed... try again tomorrow.
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