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 Custom Fields on Product Admin Pages
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Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 09/04/2022 :  16:07:57  
Is it possible to create custom fields and/or check boxes in the product page within the admin that would be invisible to customers? We're wanting to have some way to show us the location of items (upstairs, downstairs, etc.) and also have a field where we can show how many of something we have in our warehouse. Any way we can achieve this?


42872 Posts

Posted - 09/05/2022 :  01:47:49  
Hi DavidX
Sure thing and you can do that by setting...
admincustomlabel1="Admin Label"
admincustomlabel2="Admin Label"
admincustomlabel3="Admin Label"
admincustomlabel4="Admin Label"
...setting "Admin Label" to whatever you want the label to be in admin. Unless you then actually specify the custom columns in the productpagelayout or detailpagelayout parameters then these won't appear on your product pages.


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ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 09/05/2022 :  03:08:33  
Morning David

Just in case you would like/require more than three custom fields, since version 7.4.7 the initial limit of three custom fields has been removed which now means that you are now able to have as many as you choose. The write up of this is in Vinces post regarding this release in the updater

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Edited by - 1818charlie on 09/05/2022 03:09:34

Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2022 :  10:04:48  
This looks like it's exactly what I want. Please forgive me here, my coding and CSS is pretty rusty but I assume the admincustomlabel1="Admin Label" line goes into the includes.asp and I also assume the actual page I'm working with is adminprods, is this correct? If it IS correct, what, exactly, do I need to add to the adminprods page?

Edited by - DavidX on 09/06/2022 10:05:17

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2022 :  12:13:26  
Hi David

Yes, adding admincustomlabel1="Admin Label" to your includes.asp file will allow the custom field to show in the product admin only, which seems to be what you would like, correct?

If you would like a custom field to appear on the product detail page then by also adding detailcustomlabel1="Detail Label" to the include file this will then show the content of the custom field in the admin on the product detail page.

To do so all you need to do, again in the includes file, is add the detail page layout & then add to that where on the detail page you would like your custom field content to appear - so in the example below your custom field 1 would appear between the manufacturer name & the SKU.

detailpagelayout="navigation, checkoutbutton, productimage, productid, manufacturer, custom1,sku, productname, discounts, instock, description, listprice, price, quantity, currency, dateadded, options, addtocart, previousnext, emailfriend, reviews"

Edited by - 1818charlie on 09/06/2022 12:31:17

Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2022 :  14:35:07  
I'm not sure I'm understanding this correctly. I added:


to my includes.asp and did nothing else beyond that and it didn't change anything in my adminprods.asp page. Did I miss something or is this changing a different page. I WANT it to add the field to every product page in the admin so I can note the backstock amount of any given item. Ideally it would show up as a quick entry option one level back as well.

ECT Moderator

10465 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2022 :  17:34:34  
Hi David, be sure you uploaded the includes file to the server in the proper location (vsadmin older) and if you happen to be accessing the admin via a secret (other than vsadmin) folder, add the parameter to that includes file as well.
When you open the product details in the admin, you should see this custom field among other fields.

There is a parameter you can use to add this to the quick entry.
This was introduced some time back and described here
customquickupdate="CustomDBColumn,CustomDBColumn2" ' ASP
You can specify more than one column by using a comma to separate. The Quick Update menu will display the database column name, unless also specified separated by a colon. For instance...
"CustomDBColumn:DB Column 1,CustomDBColumn2:DB Column 2"
Finally, the datatype of the column will be assumed to be text, unless also specified separated by a colon as NUM for numeric or CHECK for checkbox / (Yes/No). For example...
"CustomDBColumn:DB Column 1:NUM,CustomDBColumn2:DB Column 2:CHECK"

So, something like customquickupdate="pCustom1:Backstock" should do the trick for that.


Edited by - dbdave on 09/06/2022 17:35:43

Ecommerce Template Expert

936 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2022 :  20:49:33  
OK! So, I kept trying and couldn't get it to work then, I noticed an update was available and I applied it and it worked! Then, I reapplied the Servelink image upload and that killed it again. Any way to fix this? Is it a Servelink thing?


42872 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2022 :  06:13:59  
Hi DavidX
I would get in touch with Servelink to see if there is an updated version, yes.


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