Hi, I believe it's just a matter of going to Store Admin > Mailing List and then click Mailchimp integration. Under Ecommerce Plus Database, select Add new signups to this list.
Dave, When I select Mailchimp Integration in the mailing list, I see "PLEASE ENTER YOUR MAILCHIMP API KEY". I have downloaded my Mailchimp email list and closed the Mailchimp account. I do not see an option for commerce Plus Database.
I think if you just click "(Reset / Delete API Key)" then that should probably do the trick. Any new signups at your website (if you are using that feature) would go to the ect datadase fromm there on I expect.
I don't see that option. Here is what is on the screen: --- PLEASE ENTER YOUR MAILCHIMP API KEY This will be of the form abab01cd45984fbaab856a8ef31680a0-us12 API Key: Submit (you only need to do this once.) ---
The "Submit" above is a button. I don't know how to upload an image on this forum.
I made a new dummy order. Went into the mailinglist database table and I don't see the new optin record. I just want to make sure that any new optins on purchases are going to the ECT database.
Update. I didn't see the entry because I used an email address that was already optedin. I put in another order with a new email and it is It functioning correctly.