Posted - 04/18/2023 : 08:34:17
Hi go2jeff, I took a few minutes to review your site and track this down. For the drop downs it's actually in the ectstylebase.css file line 161 .ectmegamenu > ul > li > ul > li a:hover, .ectmegamenu > ul > li > ul > li > ul > li a:hover{ background-color:#333; color:#FFF; } For the non drop downs, it's in the ectcart.css line 2529 .ectmegamenu > ul > li:hover{ background:#f0f0f0; } A word to the wise here. Do not make (ever) changes in either of those files. Just copy what's there and drop a copy of it in your css/style.css file. This will make it so you do not need to go in when updating your site and make those changes every time. Looking at the source of your pages, the style.css is loaded after the other css files and that's how you want it to be, as the last one loaded, for any duplication's, it will take precedence. Thanks, David