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Posted - 04/17/2023 :  10:15:55  
I purchased the responsive template ECT Natura. I am using Dreamweaver to access and change the files. I know some basic CSS. I would like to change the top horizontal navigation bar colors. Specifically when hovering over the links in the menu.

Can someone direct me to where to change the colors in the CSS file(s)? I've searched everywhere I can think of and cannot seem to find where to change the hovering color on the top navigation menu and drop downs.

Thanks for any help.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2023 :  10:23:37  
Hi, if it's this one, then look in style.css starting at line 80, there is a comment in there that shows that is the various styles for the mega menu /* Mega Menu */

Firefox is great for this, but most all browsers now have a tool built in for designing and you just right click on the element and select "inspect" and you can usually see where that styling is coming from.

Please post back if you need more help.


Starting Member

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Posted - 04/17/2023 :  10:45:47  
Thanks for the response. Yes that is the template that I have.

I saw this area in the css and still do not see where to change the "HOVER" background color for the top nav and drop downs.

To see an example go to, hover over the top menu. It changes the background color to a light gray, I want to change that color AND on the drop down menus it changes to a charcoal/black upon hover, I would like to change this background color as well.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2023 :  08:34:17  
Hi go2jeff, I took a few minutes to review your site and track this down.

For the drop downs it's actually in the ectstylebase.css file line 161

.ectmegamenu > ul > li > ul > li a:hover,
.ectmegamenu > ul > li > ul > li > ul > li a:hover{

For the non drop downs, it's in the ectcart.css line 2529

.ectmegamenu > ul > li:hover{

A word to the wise here. Do not make (ever) changes in either of those files. Just copy what's there and drop a copy of it in your css/style.css file.
This will make it so you do not need to go in when updating your site and make those changes every time.
Looking at the source of your pages, the style.css is loaded after the other css files and that's how you want it to be, as the last one loaded, for any duplication's, it will take precedence.


Starting Member

3 Posts

Pre-sales questions only
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Posted - 04/20/2023 :  13:49:25  
Thanks Dave that worked. Also thank you very much for the pointer about putting changes in style.css.


ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2023 :  14:15:18  

ECT Moderator

United Kingdom
1198 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2023 :  14:46:48  
Hi Jeff,

Just a quick thought & following up on Daves mention of making edits to certain files & their order
dbdave - This will make it so you do not need to go in when updating your site and make those changes every time

You may also make edits to the store generated language via edits of the languagefile_en.php file, located in the vsadmin/inc folder. DO NOT make the edit directly in that file as those edits will be lost by future updaters but copy the line to your includes.php file.
Example, the original wording reads
$GLOBALS['xxContUs']='Contact Us'; but you'd like it to read Contact Joe Bloggs

I make a section at the foot of the includes file where those edits live along with commented notes, eg;

$GLOBALS['xxContUs']='Contact Joe Bloggs'; //Comment if req'd


Edited by - 1818charlie on 04/20/2023 14:50:12
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