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 'Updates Not Saved' Error After v7.5.8 Update
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Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  05:51:51  
Following our recent PHP v7.5.8 update, we sometimes see this warning after updating an Order page.

There is usually only one user logged in when that warning appears, and definitely not two users attempting to update the Order.

So far there don't appear to be any errors present on the updated page, but it seems like a concern because we've not seen this warning before.

Any suggested fix would be appreciated.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  08:02:56  
This can actually happen if one user has the order open in two windows and has made an update while the other window has the order open. Then go to update the 2nd window and the message appears.
It's actually a pretty simple feature and not prone to error.
Do you (or someone else) use multiple tabs or windows on the same pc or devise?


Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  08:07:03  
Dave, thanks for this.

I'm sure that no one else had accessed that Order screen when the warning occurred.

The error seems to occur intermittently after we Void an authorized order in PayPal, change the status to Cancelled and update the page.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  08:13:57  
Ok, so the callback from paypal may be hitting while the order is open and when you go to update, again, something is being detected as changed.
While I'm not 100% sure what aspects of the order are being checked, but I believe there are several checks, like status and notes.
Perhaps Vince will chime in to better understand what's being checked and offer an explanation.


Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  08:17:42  
That seems to make sense, Dave.

Perhaps the workaround is to wait 20 seconds or so between clicking Inform PayPal and updating the page.

ECT Moderator

10468 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  08:32:34  
Right, but thinking about this more, if you are updating from within the order, that should not really count as as a change unless it was done by a different user, or window/tab.
I thought you were saying you voided an order within paypal and then you got the message.
See if you gain any more details and perhaps Vince can offer some thoughts.


Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2023 :  10:51:48  
We're using "authorize... capture" for payments to avoid paying PayPal commission on cancelled orders.

The last time I saw this warning, in the Order screen I'd selected Action: Void, clicked Inform PayPal, then after seeing 'Successful' status I added some text to the Private Order Status box, clicked Update, and the warning appeared.

When I returned to the order screen the Private Order Status box didn't show the new text I'd entered.

I'll confirm this the next time I Void an order.

Edited by - pauld on 05/24/2023 10:52:17


42874 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2023 :  01:17:38  
Hi Pauld
The error seems to occur intermittently after we Void an authorized order in PayPal, change the status to Cancelled and update the page.
Are you voiding the order in the PayPal admin or in the ECT Admin Orders page?


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Ecommerce Template Expert

500 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2023 :  04:57:35  
Vince, all changes were made on the ECT Orders page, we were not logged into PayPal at the time.

Edit to Add:

Here are the steps to produce the warning dialog box for an order that is Authorized (not yet Captured or Voided):

1. On the Orders detail page, type some text in the Private Order Status box
2. Click Action:Void, Inform PayPal, and OK
3. After the status shows Success, uncheck Email Status Change, change the Order Status to Cancelled, and click Update
4. The "Status Updates Not Saved..." warning then appears.
5. Open the Cancelled order to verify that Private Status does not reflect the text entered in Step 1 above.

This issue seems to have appeared when we moved from 7.4.12 to 7.5.8.

Edited by - pauld on 05/25/2023 09:24:27
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