I've just updated a site to 7.5 and am trying to figure out how to change the Stripe "Integration Method".
I was using the "Old Stripe Checkout (Deprecated)" - my client wants to simplify and streamline the checkout process. He asked me about using "Stripe Elements" - and that's what brought me here and found out about the update.
The Integration Method dropdown now shows 2 more options: "New SCA-Ready Stripe Checkout" and "Take Payment Onsite". I can't find any documentation on your site about what each of these things mean. The only page I found regarding Strip is: https://www.ecommercetemplates.com/help/ecommplus/stripe.asp - but the only thing about the new Updater says that I no longer need a webhook.
I don't want to change the Integration Method without knowing whats going to change and what it's going to look like.
Hi JustDucky923 The different methods are compatible so you can just try changing and make a test transaction to see what it is like. It would only take a moment.
I've changed it to "Take payment onsite". I see that I still enter my customer information (name, address, etc) and then the next screen asks for the credit card info. I assume this is not storing this cc info on my site, but using Stripe?
I still think it would be helpful if the documentation explained this.
I think my client is happy with the way this is working, but now he wants to eliminate getting their address. He wants to only collect their name and email address, maybe a phone number. For some reason I thought when taking a credit card online you have to get an address but I could be wrong. Is there a way to change the checkout page to simply ask for name and email address as required fields and then optional phone number?