Looking at your demosite, First is there a way to move the trail notice above the thumbnails? tried messing with some css google tools to see what effects i could change but i could not get it to move above. Secondly i could not get the thumb image sizes to change either.
Hi, there are quite a few settings here - https://www.magictoolbox.com/magicscroll/wizard/ You would enter your settings in your includes.asp file versus your css file(s).
quote:For the ASP version, open vsadmin/includes.asp and add the following for example (this is just an example and is not required unless you want to tweak the display) magictooloptions="data-options=""speed:5000; width:auto"""
To specify the number of thumbnails use magictooloptionsjs="<script>MagicScrollOptions = { items:3 }</script>"